I can't wait to see what my doodle pup thinks of the crazy Vermont weather; you know what they say...."If you don't like the weather in Vermont, wait five minutes."
So what does everyone think about the summer we've had thus far? In my neck of the woods it has been nothing but, rain, rain, and more rain. For us on the farm this directly impacts our ability to make income, as we usually sell small bales of hay throughout the summer months. It takes a minimum of 3 consecutive sunny days to "make hay" (mow, ted, rake and then bale once dry enough)... The kids have missed a bunch of pool time as well. What do your dogs think of the weather? Are they puddle jumpers? My labs love to run through the mucky ditches filled with water when I go for a walk with them, yuck... Oh well, that's the lab in them!