Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am happy to have found this group!

My lovely girl is an australian labradoodle and  is 2 years old...and doesn't have a doodle-ish bone in her body! She doesn't look like a lab either, she looks like some sort of spaniel, boykin spaniel is the closest match appearance wise I could find.

I have looked for other multi gen labradoodles with flat coats and open faces. Pictures of adults are hard to come by but the ones I have found look shockingly similar to my girl!

We have a second doodle from the same breeder who is actually related (mom's were litter mates) and he is a 'typical' looking doodle, full fleece coat.

I know some australian labradoodles do have spaniel in their background, so I guess it's not all that surprising. I was wondering if anyone else has a spaniel looking doodle? :)


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A coupl of different types of spaniels were used in breeding labradoodles in Australia, and in the US, a lot of ALDs have cocker spaniel in their pedigrees. Cockapoo infusions are still done by current ALD breeders.

PS" to insert your photos into discussions, just click on the little photo icon second from the left in the text box, and you can upload the photo. Nicer to have it right there for everyone to see without having to open attachments.

Andres, there is actually a mutation gene called RSPO2 that produces the open faced or throw back coated doodle.  It is said that all of these dogs look so similar they actually look like a breed all there own...and all look like spaniels! Not cocker spaniels but water spaniels..  This is a gene that can now be tested for but there is no reason to eliminate these dogs from a breeding program as there is nothing wrong with the dogs.  My breeder actually has a stud that has this gene and he has produced three throw back (open faced) doodles.  A friend of mine just got one from her last litter and he is a doll!  The rest of the litter was very doodley.  It is all very fascinating.  Here is a picture of Cooper.  he is a multi-gen labradoodle.

They do alike! Rocks is gorgeous! I am forwarding this to Cooper's mom. I have noticed that all of the ones I have seen have high set ears like Rocks and Coop. I have to ask....did you know when you got him that he wasn't going to be doodley? Coopers breeder knew and sold him at a very discounted rate to my friend. No one that was on the list for his litter wanted him....And he was the prettiest puppy in the whole litter!!!!! Coopers parents had recently lost their lab to cancer and were looking for a new family member. They love the personality and intelligence of my doodles but didn't care about the coat since they love labs so it was a perfect match. Cooper is so smart and beautiful!
There is nothing wrong with Rocks! She is fabulous! Cooper is my Murphy's nephew and I am a photographer, so I will keep posting pictures as he grows! I only joined this group because of him:)

Cooper is 17 weeks old now...and getting more gorgeous every day.  No hair to speak of on his face but he is getting wavy everywhere else.

Hi Andrea,

Billie is getting more and more like your gorgeous girl, she is now 4 months old , the Australian labradoodle used 5 breeds,

The poodle, Lab retrevier, Irish water spaniel, Curly coat retreiver and the Cocker spaniel when they first started the breed.

Hence why our pups look how they do , Billie had two sisters like her open faced, one wool hair the other hair fleece,

beautiful, loving dogs




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