Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A picture's tag line is just a collection of words that tell you what is in the picture--what you are looking at.  But the words don't have to be connected to one another--in other words each word should be able to stand alone to describe something important about your picture.

Let's use beautiful Chedi as an example of the RIGHT way and WRONG way to tag a picture:

A NOT-SO-GREAT-TAG: In not-so great tagging you look at the picture and try to think of your thoughts or feelings about the picture or get creative.  A not-so-great-tag-line would be: Wow the sweater makes him look like a parti!

The tag line above is great if you are reading it as a sentence...but tag lines show the words in alphabetical order once you hit "save" so it will likely look like this: a him like look makes parti sweater the Wow. Remember the tag is only supposed to tell you the relevant things in the picture.  Out of the tag words above what does the words a, makes, or him tell you about the picture? Not much.  So the tags need to describe what is IN the picture...nothing else.

A GREAT TAG WOULD BE: Chedi goldendoodle cream picture -- This is a great tag line because it tells you the following things are involved: a picture of a cream goldendoodle.  It's also simple and ONLY describes what is in the picture.  There is no "of" or "a" included.  People searching for a picture of a cream goldendoodle would be more likely to find this pic.  Likewise people on this site are more likely to find your beautiful dood if they are looking for one of the same color or generation if you tag correctly.  As an added benefit, tagging helps other doodle-maniacs like you find our website...and the doodle friendship circle grows!

So when you have extra time, please look over your pics and add tags that describe the type of doodle you have in the tag of every pic! 

When you first upload a picture you will eventually end up on a page that looks like the the one below.  NOTE the black arrow pointing to the box where you enter the tag words:

But how do you add or change tags of pictures you've already uploaded?  First go to the picture you want to tag.  The black arrow below shows the tags already included...

The red arrow above points to "Edit Your Tags"  -- click there to delete, change, or add more tag words and you will see that segment open up for you to type in:

Type in the tag words you want to use and then click save and voila!  You've tagged! 

If you have any questions, please ask!

P.S. -- sometimes for the sake of making slide shows easy, I will ask you to use tag words that don't make sense or break the rules above (as far as tagging correctly goes)--don't worry about those times...continue to tag your photos as you upload them as you would normally.

Last updated by Adina P Jul 20, 2009.


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