Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Inserting Photos Into Discussions, etc.

The instructions may seem daunting, but after you've tried it a few times it will be CAKE!  Just remember one thing:
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT click "Upload Files" in order to put photos in your response.  That will add an attachment rather than insert the photo into your response.  And inserting a photo into your post is what this tutorial is about.


1) When you write a discussion, blog, or respond to one you always have the option to stick photos DIRECTLY into the box in which you type.  This is much preferred to attaching photos at the bottom.
2) Just look above where you are typing at the line of items you can click on.  The second image button (see where red arrow is pointing below) indicates a photo.  CLICK on that photo button...see below:
3) When you click on that image button you will see a screen appear that looks like this:

4) So click "Browse" and then select the image you want to insert from your computer files. Once you've selected the image, depending on the size of the image it may take a while to load.  You can adjust how it is centered, any links connected to the image, or the width of the photo once it loads.  Click "OK" in the bottom of the box once you've selected the features you want after it loads. 

5) Once you're done...hit "Add Reply" or whatever it is you were going to do anyway and your post will appear with the photo intact. Voila!  

Start off by doing steps 1-3 from above.
But when we get to step 4 there is a difference:
4) Instead of clicking browse, click on From URL (see where red arrow points)
You'll have to fill that in with the image URL (or image address) of the photo you're pulling from DK or another site by pasting the image's URL where you see the blue highlighted area below:

5) To find the image URL of the photo you want, simply go to the photo and right click on the photo and the following will pop up:

Click on "View Image Info" (where the red arrow is pointing).  Although different browsers might offer a different selection.

6) Next another box will pop up with the image URL highlighted in blue (and circled in red below).

Right Click on that highlighted area and select "Copy" -- You have now copied the image's URL and can paste that in step 4 above.

Enjoy putting your photos into posts, comments, and responses!

Last updated by Adina P Aug 21, 2011.


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