Miss Frankie looks like a pretty good size girl! How much does she weigh? If you took her to the groomers with lots of matts, I think that the groomer did a pretty good job. There have been many many others that were shaved. She managed to save a little length. Pretty good job on head and face also! Time to invest in a really good brush while she is short so you can keep up with it as she grows out! She probably is a lot happier shorter since you are in So. Cali! She looks very happy .... almost a Regal pose in that last pic.
I took my puppy to the groomers for her first "professional" grooming due to all the knots that we could not stop coming....and they sent me home with a "new puppy". My husband and I do not like it as much as having our big fluffy dog, but Miss Frankie seems oh so much happier being as we live in So. California.
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