Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane, Guinness and Murphy Jul 19, 2016. 3 Replies 0 Favorites
My 11 week old puppy has started wetting when he's excited. This was never a problem before the last week or so. He is a pretty timid boy. We are trying to socialize him. With 5 kids, of whom…Continue
Tags: housebreaking
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Thank you, Andrea. Zeus’ hair changed colors and textures several times before he turned 2 years old. At one point, he had scattered dirty blonde hair, then he developed orange/red “flames” on top of his head. I was frightened (he looked like a Devil), so I grabbed my scissors and cut the flames out – LOL! I think he turned out much more handsome as an adult. I need to post some current pix of him. There’s one on my blog here: - but it was right after he got a Poodle-Do. He looked like a fluffy lion before the new “do”.
Hmm, about the howling, my full-bred Poodle never did that. Zeus never did that either and he’s been my only Doodle. He went from whimpering to whining to barking, but never howling. Is Scout’s howl like that of a Beagle or Jack Russell? I have heard that Collies tend to howl. You might want to search the forum about “howl” or “howling” or start a new discussion/thread. I’m interested in learning about Doodle howling also.
I am so glad you’re enjoying DK and look forward to watching Scout grow into a big adult over the next 2 years (the average Poodle growth span). Please keep posting lots of pix of him. :0)
Welcome, Andrea! Scout is adorable! During the puppy stage, Doodles coats can change drastically (including the coloring). My Shardoodle's hair was very full, soft, and thick when he was just 2 weeks old, then it became very course and wiry, and later, it thickened up and became curly.