I love dogs and all things dogs especially poodle and doodles of all shapes and sized, grooming, skydiving, roller derby and above all caring for and helping others care for their dogs to the standard all dogs deserve. I am truly at the service of all canines.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have no doodles, but I do enjoy them very much. The coat upkeep is just too much for me to deal with. I do however, have a standard Poodle named Piper, a min poodle named Alfie and Chih/whippet mix named Felix, a horse named Raven and two cats called Stella and Thomasina. I am also a professional groomer who actually understands how to groom doodles. I love grooming doodles!
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Thanks Crystal!
Welcome to Doodle Kisses Crystal! They are the best doggies ever and so very loving. This site is wonderful and the information on Doodles is amazing!