Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Erin P (Marley)
  • Female
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Canada
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Erin P (Marley)'s Friends

  • Jay Plummer/Kodi
  • Kathy Brady
  • Mary, Scrappy, Sully and Olive
  • Jessica

Erin P (Marley)'s Page

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a nine-month-old goldendoodle named Marley!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Gift from Friend/Relative
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My boyfriend has mild allergies, so we thought the hypoallergenic nature of a doodle would work well.

Plus, they are SO cute and irresistible!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play with any kind of ball, run at the park, play with other doodles
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I haven't figured that out yet!
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 2:08pm on December 31, 2008, Paula said…
welcome You'll love this site And you'll soon see that there aren't too many Doodle owners with only ONE Doodle and after you've had your Doodle for but a short time you'll understand why!
So Happy Doodle all a daying.
At 5:35am on December 30, 2008, Jay Plummer/Kodi said…
Hey Erin! We are keeping Kodi pretty busy during the day with walks and going out for potty breaks alot. He takes naps in between but as soon as someone moves, he wants to know what is going on. Kodi also does not give any signs that he has to go which makes it more difficult. I think it is just all about repetition. If we catch him in the act, we give a loud "no" and take him right outside to a designated spot hoping he will only go there. We'll see how that goes. They are smart dogs aren't they? They look like little people to me...I feel like I should call him Mr. Kodi. I have never seen eyelashes on a dog like he has. Enjoy the training and let's compare notes if we are having problems.

At 6:28pm on December 29, 2008, Jay Plummer/Kodi said…
Hi Erin & Marley. I just joined today and this seems like a great place to share doodle info. Enjoy!
At 6:00pm on December 29, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
At 5:40pm on December 29, 2008, Adrianne Matzkin said…
At 2:25pm on December 29, 2008, Janie said…
At 10:38am on December 29, 2008, Mary, Scrappy, Sully and Olive said…
Please call on us's on piece of advice for the time being............beware...doodles are like potato can't stop at just one;)
Once Marley settles in, you'll be so in love that you'll want to add on.....they just bring so much into your life with their wonderful, laughter and doodle companionship....who could ask for more???
Take care and enjoy Marley.
At 10:34am on December 29, 2008, Valerie said…
Welcome to you and little Marley.
At 10:16am on December 29, 2008, Mary, Scrappy, Sully and Olive said…
welcome to DK.....what a great doodle name!
At 9:50am on December 29, 2008, Adina P said…
Welcome to doodlekisses, Erin! I hope you enjoy our community :-) This is a great place to learn, share, brag about your doodle and make friends! Please have a look around and check out our many groups and discussions and we'd love to see more photos of your doodle. If you have any questions about navigating this site, check out our FAQ page for some helpful videos.


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