Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Apache Junction, AZ
  • United States
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Jennifer's Friends

  • Bill Dingwell
  • amy gebhardt
  • Trina and Zeus
  • Nina & Duke the Doodle
  • Duncan & Sarah Heinz
  • Debbie
  • Carol Kidd
  • Jenny & Kirby
  • Kristi Trimble
  • Eric, Paulette and Fenway
  • Erika
  • Beth Obermeyer
  • susan decker
  • Amanda and Wheatley
  • Michele, Biscuit & Mo

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Sweetie Pie Labradoodles

Profile Information

About Me:
I love Labradoodles, and am a small breeder of American Standard Labradoodles.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have three Labradoodles. Mandi, Sophie, and Roswell. They are the best dogs I've ever had! Once you go doodle, you don't go back :)
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
After much research on the breed, I discovered they are the perfect mix because they are extremely smart yet they have a willingness to please you.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We love to go to the lake, for walks, dog park, and camping!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We do
Favorite Doodle Products?
I found this heart that had a huge (tennis ball sized) squeaker in it from Oomaloo, and my doodles just LOVE that toy. Also for grooming, I use Double Blessing's Goat's Milk Shampoo Bar. It is absolutely AMAZING! All natural ingredients, handmade in the USA, and does NOT strip the hair of natural oils!!!
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Jennifer's Photos

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 2:17pm on October 8, 2009, Bill Dingwell said…
Hello, Will any of her siblings be there??
At 4:56pm on June 18, 2009, Amanda and Wheatley said…
Awe thats cute, I hope someday we can get a second dog so my boyfriend and I can each have our own dog. I see that you're a breeder! I will have to keep you in mind someday, haha
At 9:26pm on June 17, 2009, Amanda and Wheatley said…
Is your boyfriend Jason? If he is I think it's cute you both have a page! My boyfriend wouldn't be caught dead with a doodle page haha. It's too bad you don't live in Tucson, it would be nice to know someone more my age with a doodle.
At 10:54am on May 7, 2009, Erika said…
Thanks for the Add! :-)
Your doodles are beautiful! We get our puppy (Sally) in the next two weeks! we are soooo excited!!
At 10:00am on February 10, 2009, Michele, Biscuit & Mo said…
Thanks for adding us to your friend list, Jennifer! I see you're in our neck of the woods! What adorable photos of your pups - look forward to learning more about you!
At 9:21am on November 11, 2008, Susan said…
Hi Jennifer,
You Doodles are beautiful. I should be getting my new rescue doodle the first part of Dec., so can't wait!
At 8:50pm on November 10, 2008, Kelly Williams said…
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for adding me as a friend. Love your puppy pictures. What a coincidence that we both have black labradoodles named Sophie. They are such wonderful dogs! Hope to get to know you better.
At 12:10pm on October 16, 2008, Auburn McCanta said…
How fun! Let us know about your get-together and we'll be sure to come. It would be great to see you again and also see Wilson's brother.
At 6:53pm on October 15, 2008, Auburn McCanta said…
Jennifer! It's so nice to hear from you. You were so wonderful to bring our great Wilson back from Roswell. How is your puppy? Wilson is big as a house! And the best boy -- we absolutely adore him.

Thanks for getting in touch.
At 9:32am on September 24, 2008, Crystal Warrick said…
Cute puppies Jennifer! Are they sitting in a wheelbarrow? Cute pic.


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