Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Melissa Robertson
  • Female
  • San Jose, CA
  • United States
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Melissa Robertson's Friends

  • Joan Bollaert
  • Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau

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About Me:
Awaiting our labradoodle from Manor Lake (Ritzy & Marquees litter)
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Apricot Toy Poodle - Bailey
Chocolate Medium Labradoodle - Piper
Where did you get your doodle(s)?

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At 5:48pm on March 13, 2015, Joan Bollaert said…

Hi Melissa.  I wrote back a few days ago but don't see my message to you here. ??    Oh well.  Anyway, Millie is such a sweetheart however very wild when she sees people.  It's my fault since I live alone and didn't socialize her much.  She jumps and pulls me to the ground when she sees people wanting to be friendly.  I need to take her out alone without my Cooper for walks this spring and summer to break her of that.  I can't take both otherwise I'll be dragged down the street!   She weighs in at 44lbs and is a very dark fudgy color with spray os white down her back.  It used to be a stripe down the middle but now it's spreading all over her back.  Her face, head, neck and legs are dark fudge.   I'd told Manor Lakes about the coloring change and sent pictures and they said they'd never seen that on any of their dogs.  ??   Interesting that you have the same thing going on with Piper.  It would be good to let them know that this happened to you in that litter too...  mention me and Millie.  I'd love to hear what they say.  I, too, wonder if any other of the puppies are having this color change.  I'm disappointed in the white but she is a sweetheart.

Do you have a picture of Piper?

At 9:20am on June 23, 2014, Joan Bollaert said…

Hello.  I'm wondering how Piper is doing.  She is a litter mate of my Millie who is just about 1yr and 1 month old on the 29th of this month. 

Millie is around 40lbs now and a wild woman when she sees people.  Jumps about 4 ft in the air and much too excited.  She's a sweetie and I love her but she's difficult to control.

I was wondering how Piper is and what her weight is etc..

At 10:29am on March 24, 2014, Joan Bollaert said…

Hi Melissa.  I'm just wondering how Piper is doing and if you plan on posting any pictures?   Millie is now 9 1/2 mos old and doing well.  She weighs 35lbs and is a sweetheart.   She gets a bit too excited when she sees people and pulls me but I'm hoping she's grow out of that puppy behavior eventually.  Other than that, she's just perfect and beautiful.  She is a puppy from Marquee and Ritzy just like your Piper so I'm eager to see how Piper is doing as far as behaviour, temperment, size/weight etc..  Hope all is going well.

At 7:02am on August 19, 2013, Joan Bollaert said…

Hi.  How is Piper doing?  Millie is slow going witht the potty training.  I'm used to Cooper who arrived at 5 months old and knew the drill .  :)  Millie also hates her crate and screams when I put her in there.  I'd leave her in it anyway but I live in a condo situation where there are neighbors who will hear below me and all over the bulding.  So, I'm working on being more creative with confining her when I have to leave.  Not easy. lol   She's very  sweet though .

At 5:01pm on August 12, 2013, Joan Bollaert said…

How is Piper doing after being there for a little over a week?

At 11:05am on August 9, 2013, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Melissa ~ thank you for the friend request.  I am looking forward to seeing homecoming photos of Piper.  Next week is going to very exciting - enjoy!

At 3:39pm on August 6, 2013, Joan Bollaert said…

Melissa, have you heard anything from ML about your puppy coming home? Are you giong to get him/her or are you having them fly to you?  I haven't heard anything at all for 1 1/2 weeks since I got pic and personality evaluation.  ??   I'm assuming they're all in the process of being spayed/neutered.  They are 10 weeks old this week as you know.  :)

At 2:11pm on August 4, 2013, Joan Bollaert said…

Oh...and welcome to Doodle Kisses. :)     I have a my Cooper who is from another breeder and is 8 months old.  When my little girl arrives, I'll be very busy/crazy. :)  I'm naming her Millie.  I've not heard anything from ML since I recieved their personality test and her picture. Have you? 

At 2:01pm on August 4, 2013, Joan Bollaert said…

Melissa.....  I'm getting a female from Ritzy and Marquee's litter.  Is Piper a girl?   I'll try to send a pic of her if I can figure out how to do it.  :)

At 7:48am on August 3, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…



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