Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Mountain Home, AR
  • United States
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Michelle's Friends

  • Pam, Latte and Summer

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Michelle's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Well what can I say. I'm a country girl who moved to the city and loved it for 7 years and now I'm back to the country and enjoying it all over again!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have two beautiful Goldendoodles little girls. They were born Oct. 11, 2008 and they are already a great part of our family.

I have had too many pets to list them all since I grew up on a farm and we have had everything from geese, dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, lambs, goats, ducks and turkeys.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We were looking for a kid friendly loyal pet with minimal shedding due to our sons allergies.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Watch them play and fight in the yard, they have so much energy. And when Bella comes over from across the street they have so much fun!!!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
So far we are!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Well we just got a new Petco and didn't really have a good pet store before that and they have these "pretzel" raw hides that the girls just love and will stay entertained for hours!!
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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 12:05pm on November 16, 2009, Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis said…
We would like to invite u 2 the Cream and White Doodles Group!!!!
At 3:36pm on January 7, 2009, Pam, Latte and Summer said…
Hi Michelle, I saw your girls out Monday and had to go see them. They both have grown a bunch. Hope Ronnie has your land mine problem taken care of.
When are you going to get some more pictures on here? Angel reminds me
so much of Sunni when she was that age. Bring them over any time. Pam
At 7:15pm on December 30, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
I hope you and your family have a great Happy New Year too Michelle. Glad to have you here on DK. Enjoy !!!
At 6:40pm on December 28, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
At 12:44pm on December 24, 2008, Janie said…
You are welcome...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
At 10:20am on December 23, 2008, Janie said…
At 4:11pm on December 22, 2008, Adrianne Matzkin said…
At 11:07am on December 22, 2008, GBK said…

At 8:01am on December 22, 2008, Pam, Latte and Summer said…
Welcome Michelle, I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. Give the girls
a hug from us. Pam, Sunni and Bella
At 8:01am on December 22, 2008, Adina P said…
Welcome to doodlekisses, Michelle! I hope you enjoy our community :-) This is a great place to learn, share, brag about your doodle and make friends! Please have a look around and check out our many groups and discussions and we'd love to see more photos of your doodle. If you have any questions about navigating this site, check out our FAQ page for some helpful videos.


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