Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Susan and Bentley
  • Female
  • Plainview, NY
  • United States
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Susan and Bentley's Friends

  • Joann Valerio
  • Sue Ryzdynski
  • Sam, Risa and Archie
  • Gisella
  • Miss Ellie
  • Hua
  • sandy b
  • AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner

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Susan and Bentley's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Bentley is a FIB mini doodle - almost 5 months old
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My daughter did research and he seemed perfect for us. Sweet, smart, adorable and non-shedding
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
play, cuddle
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
have to find one
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At 3:16pm on August 18, 2015, Sue Ryzdynski said…

Susan & Bentley,

Did not know his age.  Check his food, you do not want a lot of carbs or protein, these are pretty energetic dogs to begin with, (at least ours are) you want some with a low energy make up.  (there are sooo many dog foods out there, who's to say...)  Our vet recommended Royal Canin Labrador Puppy.  It has 'not so good' reviews, but, our vet likes it, was developed by a vet in Europe, has better reviews there.  Tess likes it, as digestive issues was one of her many problems!

They say exercise helps wipe a dog out.  That may well be, but, my husband and I are in our 60's, we can't run around with the dog.  A couple of things that have worked for us are:

a new training technique or practice one that your dog sorta knows, like 'watch me' or 'leave it', causes the dog to concentrate and tires him out!  Or take him out with you somewhere (if you can count on him to be sorta 'civilized'), that tires them to.  A lot of concentration.

We live in a pretty hot area of the southwest and my husband and I are handicapped, so, an exercise program with dog, is not an option!  (I know, I know, what were we thinking!!)

We heard these dogs were sposed to make good 'Service Dogs'.  We are working on that! 

Again, good luck and be patient!

Sue, Mark & Tess

At 8:05am on August 18, 2015, Sue Ryzdynski said…
Thanks for 'friending, us! I've been on this list and joined various groups in order to watch and listen to how others dealt with 'devil' dogs. No one but you has admitted to any problems with these 'seemingly 'perfect' dogs. ( the theories are many, as to why this is)

I wanted to write privately because of this and another ''maybe contraversial' technigue we've used'.

Our 'sweetie' is over a year old now. At times we'd thought we'd never make it! We've dealt with some of your issues. Never have resorted to drugs, although ther've been times...

Alot of training has gone into Tess to. Has it helped? Yes and no!
One thing you should try is keep a leas on him 24/7. Taking it off when he goes outside. If you have a dog door, close it off, he needs to 'ask' to go outside. (Bell on door)

I recommend keeping him 'tied' to you, for max supervision, it's a royal hassle, but helps things not getting 'destroyed' frequently. ( we have lost alot of stuff including furnitue covers and pads)
I wear a belt, then a 'break a way' loop with her 6’ foot leash attached, we had to buy a 'cable' leash, as we've lost so many regular ones!
Put a couch cover on your couch, become the neatest, most organized you've ever been, cause they'll steal anything and 'destroy' ( counter surfing is a BIG problem!
Please use something called a 'gentle leader' when taking him out. Makes them REALLY mallible!
Take him out often, 'socialazation' helps!
Buy a 'no pull' halter for when you take him, the more they realize you're in control, the better.
And finally, we've used this a couple times, seems to 'make them 'listen better' for a bit, Animal Communication!
We've used Danielle Sender. I'd send a link, but, would probably loose all this, do an internet search. She only charges between $20 and maybe $50, depending on the problem. She does long distance 'communication' and it really seems to help. You might try this with his 'wall biting'.

Also, good luck!

You will NOT believe this, but, it will get better!

Sue, Mark & Tess

Alot of training has gone into Tess to. Has it helped? Yes and no!
At 4:17am on January 1, 2014, Gisella said…
Thank you Susan, I appreciate the info. I just emailed her and liked her Facebook page. BTW Bentley is so cute!! Happy New Year !!
At 11:56am on September 12, 2013, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Hi Susan ~ Bentley is a doll and I love all the cute photos of him.  When you get a chance be sure to check out the groups section on the main page and join as many as you like.  Welcome to Doodle Kisses!



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