Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Worcester, MA
  • United States
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  • Nancy
  • Laurie, Wally & Charlotte
  • Ginny Nightingale

gloria's Discussions

Looking for a Labradoodle in the New England area

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy Oct 24, 2016. 4 Replies

Hi!I am a new member here.  We have decided to add our first puppy to our home, and have decided on a labradoodle.  We are leaning towards an Australian labradoodle based on reading that they are…Continue

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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a Chocolate brown, Med. size multi generational labradoodle named Bella. She is my first puppy in over 25 years! It has been a long time since we have had a dog. Whew so much has changed....for the better!! I have already completed one set of puppy classes and we are in our second 6 week set of classes. Bella is a really smart dog...I find I need to learn in the classes! lol
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
love what I am reading about the breed. Hypo allergenic and friendly, easy temperament!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play tug of war with her chew toys, training classes for now, and walks twice a day.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
for now we are taking her to petsmart, they are doing a great job with her, and i can watch if i want to. They have special pricing for puppie grooming there as well.
Favorite Doodle Products?
*Honest Kitchen revel food
*Kong toys, especially the tug ones they last the longest
*Richell crates...they look like and feel like furniture. The dog doesn't seem to be as confined as In the regular dog crates. They are a little pricey though.
*Petsmart near me has a $20 coupon packet for puppies.. so worth buying..never have used this store before but the coupons have discounts on food, collars, beds, puppy classes, and puppy cuts...a great way to get the puppy used to being groomed without going broke! The trainer Ailene is excellent with dogs at the Northborough, ma. petsmart.
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At 8:13pm on October 26, 2016, Ginny Nightingale said…

There is a lot to know about Labradoodles--some shed and are not hypoallergenic at all---and they do need to be trained in order to have a good temperament, but they learn fast (I have three and raise pups for a breeder, so I can fill you in on the details about labradoodles if you would like. It is important to be educated about them since many folks have been fooled by dishonest breeders! (Check out the group "Where is the Poodle in my Doodle" and you will see what I mean!)



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