when my dog, Becky Wecky died (german shep) ...a few months ago, at age 16 1/2, I thought I would soon join her. But, of course, I haven't & want to love & be loved by another best friend.
Would very much like to rescue a Labradoodle that is a little grown up & needs re-homing, forever.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
non yet......
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I will get a doodle because they are adorable, smart, and do not shed.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Relationship Status:
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Hi Helene:
"Rescued Doodles" is a group here that discusses issues of rescued doodles and publicizes issues concerning them. We do not facilitate or arrange adoptions, and have no connections to any rescue or shelter. If you read through the discussions in our group, you will find many tips on how to locate & adopt a homeless doodle. In brief, here are some tips:
You need to fill out applications with all the rescue & shelter groups in your area BEFORE you find a doodle you are interested in. Many rescues have pre-approved applications on file, and when a suitable dog comes in, it goes directly to the new owner w/o ever making it onto internet. You are under no obligation to take any particular dog.
Here are the best websites for finding rescued doodles:
www.petfinder.com (tips for finding doodles on petfinder are discussed in the RD group)
www.poomixrescue.com (click on available dogs, doodles, and also IDOG has a box with their available dogs)
carolinapoodlerescue.org (often gets doodles)
Hope this is helpful; good luck in your search, and welcome to Rescued Doodles @ Doodle Kisses!
Welcome Helene! So glad you've joined us. There are lots of helpful people here and I bet you'll find your dream doodle soon! Have you already put in an application through IDOG? If not click here to visit the nation's only doodle rescue organization: IDOGRRR You can see available dogs on their site, BUT people with applications submitted will be offered dogs before they even make it to the site. So I would start there. I hope we can help you find your doodle!
I was about to say the same thing we all go througth these loses and it is sad. It took us three years to get another dog My hubby said never again but he changed his mind with some gentle and not so gentle pursuasion, now we have Rusty he is 8years old on Saturday, party coming.!!!
Welcome Helene. I was saddened to read about your loss of Becky. Some wounds seem to stay in our hearts forever. A new doodle will help lessen the pain when you decide the time is right. Until then, enjoy the site and take a moment to explore the Group, "Doodle Wannabes." It is nice to have you here.
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"Rescued Doodles" is a group here that discusses issues of rescued doodles and publicizes issues concerning them. We do not facilitate or arrange adoptions, and have no connections to any rescue or shelter. If you read through the discussions in our group, you will find many tips on how to locate & adopt a homeless doodle. In brief, here are some tips:
You need to fill out applications with all the rescue & shelter groups in your area BEFORE you find a doodle you are interested in. Many rescues have pre-approved applications on file, and when a suitable dog comes in, it goes directly to the new owner w/o ever making it onto internet. You are under no obligation to take any particular dog.
Here are the best websites for finding rescued doodles:
www.petfinder.com (tips for finding doodles on petfinder are discussed in the RD group)
www.poomixrescue.com (click on available dogs, doodles, and also IDOG has a box with their available dogs)
carolinapoodlerescue.org (often gets doodles)
Hope this is helpful; good luck in your search, and welcome to Rescued Doodles @ Doodle Kisses!
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