Hi Kristen, so very sorry to hear about your great dane. It is never easy to lose our pups, I still think of my first one that I had to put down at 16 years. Wow, 11 is a long time for a dane isn't it? You did really good, and I'm sure she was a happy girl!
Buddy, Kona and I go to the big dog park on the corner of Tenaya and Alexander. We are there most weekends and some evenings till it starts to get too dark too early. If you are interested in meeting one day let me know, we are flexible in times. I sent you an invite to the Las Vegas group, it keeps all of us that have joined connected and I have all the dog events and their links updated on that page also. I look forward to seeing some pics of your Belle too :)
Welcome Kristen, you will love it here. So many friendly people and awesome dogs!
We are in Las Vegas too, come join our group as Adina suggested. I post all the dog events in the area if you are interested, and our members are really nice people. Hopefully meetups to happen soon.
Welcome to Doodle Kisses, Kristen! You'll have a great time here...do visit often =) We'd also love to see photos of Belle--you can even use her photo for your profile photo. And if you need help with anything we're all quite friendly and you can ask either me or in the Forum. Also check out our Las Vegas group!
Welcome to Doodle Kisses! Doodles are so great around small children! They look like stuffed animals and are just so great to cuddle. So glad you became a member!
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Buddy, Kona and I go to the big dog park on the corner of Tenaya and Alexander. We are there most weekends and some evenings till it starts to get too dark too early. If you are interested in meeting one day let me know, we are flexible in times. I sent you an invite to the Las Vegas group, it keeps all of us that have joined connected and I have all the dog events and their links updated on that page also. I look forward to seeing some pics of your Belle too :)
We are in the Northwest, do you go to any dog parks on the West side?
What part of town are you in? We got Mickey at a breeder on the North side of town. And you?
Welcome! We live in Henderson with our Doodle Mickey. Join our Vegas group and watch it grow! How old is belle?
We are in Las Vegas too, come join our group as Adina suggested. I post all the dog events in the area if you are interested, and our members are really nice people. Hopefully meetups to happen soon.