After their impressive debuts on Friday, Lily and Topper's young champions enjoyed a relaxing week acclimating to the whelping box environment (growing fatter with Lily's conscientious feedings) and sleeping...then napping...then sleeping some more...
(Warning To Viewer: Pictures below may depict scenes of extreme, knee-wobbling cuteness.)
In preparation for the big day of opening ceremonies, Lily started out with a protein-packed breakfast of champions (another pork chop), having turned down the "wet" puppy food, as well as the frozen raw chicken nuggets for dogs. When she threw it all up again, we knew that she was preparing for the arrival of her gold medal litter.
Over a period of about 4 hours, six beautiful chocolate puppies (two boys and four girls) entered the…
Little Minnie keeps a deferential low-profile with her sibs and the big dogs, but like the smart little girl that she is, knows a good opportunity when she sees one...…