Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, it appears that unbelievably, many Doodlers out there are unaware of my poor Finny's recent plight; being Lost in the Woods for 6 hours. Yes, you read that correctly. My poor dog was Lost in the Coyote Ridden Woods for 6 whole hours. And I think everyone needs to know about it:

A few weeks back we interviewed prospective dog walkers to take Finn out walking with a little buddy pack. We don't need to have him professionally walked, we just thought he might enjoy the social aspect. We hoped it would boost his confidence as he tends to be a little cautious of the bigger doggies. All this was communicated to the walkers. They agreed to take him out with a small group of dogs around about the same size as him (251b's). All went well and after 3 hours he was returned home a happy boy. (Suspiciously clean and full of life, but happy). So, we booked up again....

On the second occassion as we handed Finn over the company mentioned they were taking one dog too many 'illegally' - (their words.) In my ignorance I found myself thanking them for squeezing him in! Three hours later I got a call - from my partner who began, 'Jess, I'm afraid there's bad news, it's Finn, he's lost in the woods!' Well, I nearly fell to my knees at this point... She told me that Finn had been lost within the first 15 minutes - (we didn't hear for over an hour). The walker had continued on - with the 6 other dogs, leaving our 1 year old puppy behind!

My partner and I drove to the woods to the place he apparently had been lost and so began a marathon search. I didn't help that my partner had arrived in Canada from the UK the previous night and was suffering from jet-lag. It didn't help that I had a class of students waiting to sit an English exam in a couple of hours. Mostly, it didn't help that the trees were adourned with home-made signs warning of recent coyote attacks on small dogs in the area.

Well now the woods go on in every direction, they just back on to wilderness. And they are really, really, dark. We followed sign-posts and animal tracks, we called 'til our voices were hoarse. There was no sign of Finn. The occassional jogger passed us by, as did the odd mountain biker. Other than that the woods were silent, except for the echo of our own distressed voices. Finally we made contact with the walker(s). Having dropped the other dogs off, the walker and her manager had come to search the same area, apparently another walker was scanning a different patch. They seemed quite unperturbed by our distress, even joking we'd be charged for a 6 hour walk!

Finally, just before the sun went down, a man on a track bike gave us hope. In response to the teary question, 'Have you seen a little brown and white dog?' came the blessed reply, 'Is he more white than brown?' Well, I could have kissed the guy at this point. Confirming the sighting with the help of a cell phone picture, we made off in the direction that we were told,'the little guy followed me for some time...'

Nearly an hour later a jogger told us he'd seen the same little dog heading off 'towards Mountain Highway'. Our poor Finny was clearly running one length of the trail to the other. But he had the sense not to leave the place where he'd been lost. I'm sure he knew we'd come and find him. At one point we 'felt' so near to him, I'm sure I heard him barking. But the evening just dragged on. The dog walkers suggested Finn might have walked home! The drive to the woods is 10 minutes or so, and involves busy main roads, so the thought of Finny trotting home seemed unrealistic and frightening, but I drove home to double check - just in case. I collapsed in the arms of my neighbour and she arranged a search party with friends from our block. They arrived with water and fresh legs!

We had only been in the woods 5 or 10 minutes however, and were debating how and where we should split, when I looked down the path - and saw Finny. A loan little figure, all white like a tiny cloud, with the sun setting behind him and giving him a glowing aura. He looked like a little angel. He was so quiet. We all fell silent. For a few seconds there was just the silence of the wood, the crack of a twig, a bird song. He just stood there. I was scared of alarming him, so I crept towards him calling his name gently. At first he seemed unsure. I guess he was disorientated and confused. We knew he had been trying to follow other people. He lifted one front leg, hesitantly. Then all at once he seemed to recognize us and he came bounding towards us all wriggly and hot and leaping, and we started cheering and crying and hugging him and each other! His ears were veined and his eyes lids were red and he was all sweaty and panting. We gave him water and leashed him up and headed back to the car.

We rang the company to tell them we'd found him before we left the woods. They said they'd call the following day, once we'd all recovered. They didn't. In fact it was a few days before we heard from them - by e-mail. They communicated their thanks for us 'helping search for Finn' and joked at how the dog walker, 'who had had the horrible experience of losing him' had named him The Invisible Dog. Needless to say we were not amused and did not respond to their e-mail. They advised of a trainer and implied Finn had a problem to have run off! We haven't heard from them since.

The compay didn't bill us for either walk. I take that as some sort of apology. I do understand these things happen - dogs bolt, but clearly the walker had more dogs than she could handle, and misjudged our puppy entirely, taking him off the leash too soon. We'll never know what frightened him so as to make him run off in that way and not come back - something he has never done with us. But the main thing is we got him back. And each time I look at him now I feel even more grateful that he's here with us, bringing us so much joy. Things could easily have been so very different. If the sun had gone down that night with our puppy still in the woods, I doubt if we would ever have seen him again, and the signs on the trees in the woods would read;
Lost: One Small Brown and White Dog, very friendly.....answers to the name of Finny.

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Comment by Kathie and the gang on November 2, 2009 at 4:22pm
I'm so glad you were able to find him before dark. A co-worker had this happen to her and it was not until the next day that they found the dog. Her poor little guy had to spend the night lost. Very scary for both the dog and the owner. I have come to the conclusion that I'm the only one who is going to take my dogs off leash anywhere.
Comment by Janie on September 5, 2009 at 10:33am
I just read your story...first I cried because he was lost then when you found him I cried because he was found.
Comment by Karen & Lucy on September 5, 2009 at 10:04am
OMGoodness Jessica, I am bawling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how I ever missed this story. I was looking for Mabel's other pics when I saw this on your page and read it. That is awful. Lucy was gone for 2 hrs. one time and I just about lost it. They are just like out kids. OMG I am soooo glad that turned out like it did. Give your babies a hug for me :>)
Comment by Maya on December 14, 2008 at 2:58pm
Wow, what a story! Thank God he's back. I think you are a gret story teller, just like many of the other people who commented above do!
Comment by Paula on October 13, 2008 at 4:54pm
I am late posting this but I am so glad you found your boy unharmed! My heart was breaking for you as I was reading! You are a wonderful story teller. I'm hoping to read more Finn adventures!
Comment by Jacque Reynolds on July 18, 2008 at 6:58am
Jessica, I don't know how I missed this post! Oh, my! This is my greatest nightmare!
We have had dogs run away like that (when we moved and they thought, "Cool! Let's explore the woods!") and I was beside myself. Then I had a very pregnant girl run off...she was gone for about 4 hours...when she returned (thank God she did, and on her own too!) she was literally crawling to us. She was dehydrated and in shock. She delivered her first litter of puppies the next day...10 healthy babies.
She still likes to escape, given the chance.
It is the most terrifying thing and until you get them home again, you imagine the very worst.
I am so glad that Finn found you!
I agree, your writing skills are top notch!
Thanks for sharing this...I hope that you tell people in your area so that this "company" goes out of business!
Comment by Jersey, Jasmine, Jypsy and Diane on June 28, 2008 at 8:05pm
Just read about Finny's adventure in the woods. How scary. Good thing you had so much support in the search. If it were me and I heard the dog walkers joking while my dog was lost, I would have been ready to tie them to a tree and leave them there for the night. Grr! Thank God you found each other. Great story!
Comment by Tamara & Giada on June 28, 2008 at 4:45pm

Thanks for sharing your tragic experience! I cried! SOoo glad you got fin back. I can not believe the attitude of the walkers:(
Comment by Jessica on June 27, 2008 at 8:38am
Thanks everyone for your kind comments regarding Finny's horrible woodland adventure. Thank goodness I am able to tell this story rather than one with another ending. (Even the thought of having to delete each and every one of Finn's photos and close my Doodle Page brings a tear to my eye!) Beth, I'm responding to your comment here as your page is only for your Special Fwends....When I 'enrolled' Finn, I had a long discussion with the manager about Finn's character and our motivation for having him walked. With that knowledge, I gave them permission for Finn to go 'off leash' at their discretion. I left it to their professional judgement - doh!
Comment by Belinda Stevens on June 27, 2008 at 4:19am
Jessica, you are a great storyteller! Another good one! My heart sank for Finn as I was right there with you through the whole story. I can’t imagine how worthless I would be in that situation. I freek out if one of my dogs don’t come within 5 seconds of being called….inside or out! So glad you found him!


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