Friday, early evening, I took Rosco and Thule to a friend's house for a little play date with her Great Dane, Zorro

and Amaya the Moodle (mutt x poodle cross)

Thule was a bit snarky with poor young Zorro and vehemently turned down every one of his attempts to play

But he seemed to think even her rejections were kinda fun--at least she wasn't (gasp)

But he seemed to think even her rejections were kinda fun--at least she wasn't (gasp)

A little backyard football...HUT HUT!

Amaya has grown SOO tall. You can find puppy pics of her in my photos...but here she is looking 100% poodle:

Amaya is ALL spine and legs--not an ounce of fat or width on that girl!

She's a funny dog too. THRILLED to see Rosco, rubbed all up and down on him like a CAT.
Zorro and Thule watched in awe as Rosco attempts to dive into the water bucket..and then swim in it.

After quite a bit of running through the sprinklers...Rosco protesting my inability to throw the ball
fast enough

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