Wednesday afternoon I brought home some muffins from the office. We had had a meeting and there were some left over muffins so I brought two home for my son. I got a blueberry one and a chocolate chocolate chip one. These were the really BIG ones you can get at Costco. I bet you know where this is anyway, my son ate the blueberry one on the way home from school. When we got home he put the chocolate chocolate chip on the counter. Allie has NEVER shown any interest with anything on the counter. She has never counter surfed at all. She turned one in August and that has never been an issue with her. She is a mini so that probably has something to do with it. Anyway my son and I sit down and he starts his homework. I am quizing him to help him study for a test. I get up when I notice Allie is not around. She usually is where ever I am so this is unusual. I look around the kitchen and she is nowhere to be found. Then I notice the paper towel that the muffin had been sitting on. It is on the floor and I start my panic. Where is Allie and WHERE is the muffin. I find Allie under the dining room table and I call her. She comes out with this look on her face. She KNEW she had done something wrong. The muffin is nowhere to be found not even a crumb. SHE HAS EATEN A CHOCOLATE MUFFIN!! It is 5:45 at this time so I call the vet in a panic. Thankfully someone answers. I tell the receptionist what happened and she says "Take her to the emergency clinic now the chocolate can be fatal" then she says hang on a minute let me talk with someone. Apparently, my vet was still there and he did some calculations on the suspected amount of chocolate she ate and he said he thought Allie would be o.k. just to watch her and see what happens. If she starts throwing up or has runny poo to take her to the emergency vet. I am very happy and relieved to say she never had any problems and everything came out well (no pun intended).
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