Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last summer we were on our boat and anchored out overnite the next morning Snickers and I went to shore collecting firewood.This boat came in with a dog on it no big deal (playmate) we thought. So Snickers and me continued getting firewood. We came around the split of the iland and out of the blue there were three dalmations charging us two of them stop but the male came full force at Snickers.He attacked her and I couldn't do anything I tried to pull him off of her but no luck.Finally my husband came in and got a holded of the dogs collar and pushed and twisted his neck down in the sand and put his knee on the neck as hard as he could for him to release Snickers.Thank god Snickers had her life jacket on or she would of been torn apart. Finally the owner came over and got his damm dog .By that time I'm a mess screaming and crying.My husband gave him some words, they weren't pretty.Snickers was okay there wasn't any blood but the next day she had some oozing on the back of her neck so when we got home she went to see the doc.she was on antibiotics for 15 days.So of course I went out to buy a stungun carry that with me when Snickers and I go anywhere.You never know when you need protection.

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Comment by fergie11 on March 1, 2009 at 4:21pm
OMG - How scarry. I'm glad to see Snickers is OK.
Comment by Elaine Clement on March 1, 2009 at 12:16pm
I bought it at Green Dragon market and know you don't need a licenses for one.It also has an alarm on it


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