Poor Abby - she isn't a fan of being brushed so I had a tendency to let her have her way and left the brush in the cupboard. Well, I went to TRY to brush her out and found that she was nothing but mats!! I'm so bad!!! So I had to take the clippers to her. Grabbing one blade, it wouldn't go thru her coat. So I grab a larger number and that wouldn't go thru either. By the time I found a blade that would go thru her, she was naked!! PINK naked!! I did what I could with her face so she didn't look like a total bobble head and this is what we ended up with. She loves it actually and we have since gotten used to looking at our naked little girl. She will be brushed - whether she likes it or not!! Mommy learned her lesson. (she sure is soft tho!)
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