Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I noticed in this weeks slide show that many doodles do not appear to be harnessed / restrained in the car. I'm guilty of this too and I have a restraint that I often do not use. Wondering if anyone experienced any misfortunes by not having their doodle restrained? Maybe this would be a good eye opener.

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Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on January 18, 2010 at 6:51am
We use a seatbelt strap, but Peri will still hit the floorboard if I stop suddently. It still gives some leeway, so I am always looking for alternatives!!!!
Comment by Stella on January 17, 2010 at 6:38pm
We got our barrier from Petsmart. It extends up and sideways to fit into pretty much any car.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on January 17, 2010 at 6:42am
I've debated on this, and I am guilty of not using a restraint for Jack. I will say that he always, always, stays in the backseat and is always calm no matter what he sees. I also never travel very far with him. Still, I know an accident can happen a block from your home. Thanks for posting this, I'm going to look into the various devices that have been suggested.
Comment by Azure & Muppet on January 15, 2010 at 10:38pm
We bought the PetBuckle Seat Belt Harness for our dog, but I haven't been completely satisfied with this product. It comes in a standard size that is designed to be universal so that one size fits all over 20 lbs. They make a small breed size for dogs who weigh 20 lbs or less. Our dog weighs about 30-35 lbs, so we bought the standard size, but the buckles are too big and heavy on him which keeps the harness from staying in the correct position on his body. But I do like the accessories, like the Kwik-Connect Tether.

Here are more links to some previous discussions on this topic:
Comment by Adina P on January 15, 2010 at 9:20pm
Yeah when you have big dogs (or little ones) they can become projectiles. I have never had a really scary incident but just things like slamming on the brakes and feeling Rosco slam the back of my chair. I felt so bad for him and horrible those times.
Comment by Linda and Murphy on January 15, 2010 at 9:07pm
We actually had an incident. A bicycle rider not paying attention swerved in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and that threw poor Murphy into the windshield. He actually broke the mirror off with the impact. (he's a big boy). I took him straight to the vet (he was okay) and then went straight to Petsmart to get a harness. I was quite shaken up. What a Saturday.
He is so huge that I can (and do) just buckle him in with the regular seatbelt.
After our incident, he insists on being buckled in. (he sticks his face if I don't)
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on January 15, 2010 at 6:20pm
I used a seatbelt for Yankee when I only had one dog because he sat in the front seat with me. Now that I have 2 dogs, they ride in the back and lay on a dog bed. I guess I should have one of those barriers. Where do you buy those and do they fit all vehicles?
Comment by Stella on January 15, 2010 at 6:14pm
We started with seatbelt harnesses when they were little. Now that they are both big boys, they travel in the trunk of my SUV and I have a barrier guard between to keep them secured in the back. I think that you wouldn't have your kids in the car without a seatbelt, so the dog should also be secured - for their safety as well as your own.
Comment by Adina P on January 15, 2010 at 5:55pm
We use them...but haven't always and there are times I'm in a hurry, not going far and go without. Rosco HATES putting his on and kind of shuts down and doesn't want to get in the car. So it does take us longer. Here's a past discussion on this and types others use:

I like the ones I've got. But each one has a different strap and one strap kinda sucks. It's also a pain to move around if you don't leave them IN your car all the time (as I don't if I bring humans in the back or since I installed a car seat).
Comment by Pat & "Tucker" on January 15, 2010 at 5:52pm
Thanks everyone! I will start to buckle up. I know it's not safe not to- these stories reinforced my need to do so! I


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