Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have loved every minute of the new dog park experience up until today. My dogs always have a great time, but today was a challenge, to say the least. One male mini-poodle apparently spends all his time at the park mounting the other dogs...male, female, moving, standing still...doesn't matter! He was really bothering Mattie today, but she thought it was a game and just kept spinning around to play. The owner showed no notice of the behavior his dog was exhibiting. Not sure he could have done anything about it either.
Another dog came in to the entrance and immediately attacked Mattie! I went over to break it up and Mattie was just playing in response the the newcomer's aggression. She was unhurt and the new dog came in and calmed down after a minute or two. Then everyone was fine. It is hard to see how some dogs act, but I have to remember that the dogs didn't care about the rude behavior of some other dogs and their owners and that is what is important. No one was hurt and they did have fun.

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Comment by Ginny Nightingale on January 19, 2010 at 5:40pm
How true and how terrible for Jasper! The dog who went after Mattie just made a big show of it as if trying to let everyone know that he was the boss of the park! Since Mattie tends to show her belly in those situations, it didn't go too far--then the dog was totally fine! I can't believe someone would bring a dog that attacks other dogs to the park, but they are probably hoping the dog will be fine and will get some exercise--wrong!
Comment by laurie lehr on January 19, 2010 at 10:27am
Jasper was attacked by a pittbull 2 months ago at the dog park . The other dog would not let him go , it was very tramatizing . His owner offered to pay for his injuries but so far has not . We still go to the park but I observe more and don't let Jasper in any bad situations . Some people just don't pay enough attention and some dogs don't belong in the dog park.
Comment by Ginny Nightingale on January 17, 2010 at 6:48am
Well, that sounds awful! Dogs are a lot less judgmental than we are, aren't they? I am glad Sherlock expressed an opinion!
I guess a lot of people bring their problem dogs to parks either because they want them to get rid of some of their energy (this seems especially true of the dogs with obsessive behaviors) or they think that "dogs will be dogs"---This reminds me of my younger days when I would have to protect my very sweet and gentle son from the kids who just wanted to ROUGH house and their moms would smile and say "boys will be boys"...hate that!!!! My son grew up to be one hell of a tough athlete but never has liked beating up on people, etc. He ran distance in track and cross-country.


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