This weekend, Eva, Willow, Kona and I joined a class at the University, it was for dog yoga. I didn't know it was going to be yoga :o I thought it was going to be like the class I took a couple of years ago with Buddy that taught us how to relieve stress, arthritic joint pain, and develop bonding with our dogs. We had a couple of play breaks as you can see in the pics, and then Kona and Willow decided halfway through the 3 1/2 hour class that they would have way more fun rolling around with each other :) I guess they found their own dog yoga moves between the two of them more interesting than the ones we were learing for the dogs and humans.
I do have to say, Kona did enjoy the massage moves we practiced. On Sunday she placed her little head between my knees and wanted me to knead her back like we practiced on Sat. Buddy also still assumes the massage position he likes best even after the three years it's been since he took the class!
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