Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The holidays are a time for families and also apparently a time to try and off load your dog.  Maybe I just have more exposure to it now or maybe I’m just more aware than I used to be but it seems like every time I turn around, I hear about someone who is giving up their dog for some reason or another and I’m not just talking about doodles.  It seems like the closer we get to the holidays, the more people are trying to get rid of their dogs.  I belong to a distribution list at work where people can email one another about issues concerning their dogs.  Just today alone there were 2 people that sent emails looking for someone to take their dogs and they were offering them “free to good home”.  One dog is 3 years old and the family’s excuse is that they are busy with work and the kid’s activities and they feel that their dog needs someone that who can devote more time and attention to the dog.  I work at the same company as this person so I understand the time pressures of the dog, but come on.  The dog obviously doesn’t matter to them because if it did they would figure out a way to make their lives blend with the needs of the dog.  If the dog was that important they would have made the time.  If that wasn’t enough, 2 hours later someone else sends an email looking to get rid of the 9 year old dog that they have had since it was 7 weeks old.  This poor dog is about to lose the only home he has known because “he does not do well with active children.”  And they don’t feel that he is has adapted well enough to their young children.  This poor dog is said to be aggressive around other dogs and isn’t fit to live in a home with children due to his “neurotic behavior”.  Yeah, I’m sure people will be jumping at the chance to take this older dog with issues into their home.  What will these dogs and so many others be getting this holiday season?  A trip to the shelter or a stay in a foster home.  Sigh…my heart just aches for these dogs and I feel so helpless. 


Maybe I’m just turning into one of those crazy dog ladies, but I look forward to seeing my dogs each night and they make my house feel like a home.  They are there to greet me every day and are always happy to see me.  Yes they are a LOT of work and take a LOT of time but they are part of my family.  They love me unconditionally and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.  I can't be with my family this Christmas but I have comfort in the fact that I have my dogs with me and I won't feel as lonely as I would have.  So as I get ready for this holiday season my heart goes out to all the dogs that through no fault of their own are about to lose the one thing that means the most to them: their families.  Give your dogs an extra hug today for all the dogs that don’t have anyone to hug them. 

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Comment by Barbara B., Sasha & Oliver on December 14, 2012 at 3:37pm

Oh Amy you are not alone in your feelings, I feel the same way.  I live alone, I have two doodles and I love them to bits, I love to come home each day and see their smiling faces and get greeted at the door with their unconditionional love... there is nothing like unconditional love from a dog.  Us humans need to learn a lesson or two on how to love from a dog and maybe there would not be so many millions of dogs given up to shelters because the family did not have enough time for the dog !!!  I get very upset when I hear these excuses, my heart breaks for all the doodles and dogs out there who their family does not want to make the time for them.  I love tending to my dogs, I love taking care of them, making sure they have enough exercise, food and are truly happy and have a pack leader who they look up to.  I wish I could rescue ALL dogs and give them love and caring that EVERY dog deserves  !!!!!

Comment by Adriana + Copernicus on December 12, 2012 at 10:56am

:(  I just have to keep reminding myself that for every heartless dog owner who would give up so easily on their pet, there are 20 people who would love their dogs to the end of the earth.  Hope that one day this no longer happens...

Comment by Lynda Kamrath on December 12, 2012 at 10:33am

Please, please, please, neuter or spay all pets.  There is no reason at all for more of these poor animals.  We had a neighbor (actually two of them) who moved and left their cats and chickens at the house.  The chickens were "free-range" and it seemed that the cats and chickens were always in our yard.  I felt so sorry for them.

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on December 12, 2012 at 5:23am

No Amy, stupid me...I shouldn't have referenced the post.  At least not without a warning. I sat there hugging FInnegan and crying too when I read it.  It made me all the more thankful for DRC. I have to remember to send them a Christmas donation. Sweet Ollie.  He loves you so much!      

Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on December 11, 2012 at 10:07pm

Cheryl, I hadn't seen that discussion so stupid me I went to look for it and now I'm sitting on my couch crying.  At least Ollie is here to lick my face and make it all better.  Ugh that was just terrible though.  All those poor animals.

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on December 11, 2012 at 9:15pm

This is just too sad.  After that Buzz Saw discussion, I can only say that if you're going to dump a dog you should have to witness a euthanasia at the shelter first hand, as a condition before the shelter accepts the dog. What the heck, bring the kids.  Then leave your dog and have a Happy Holiday!  No reason anyone should get to go away with rose colored glasses. 

Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on December 11, 2012 at 6:36pm

Jarka, I think we would all chip in to bail you out of jail if you were to do that!

Comment by BG and Gavin on December 11, 2012 at 6:31pm

Jarka I would pay to see that!

Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on December 11, 2012 at 6:23pm

The mom of Monty's girfriend volunteers at a local city shelter. She tells me stories about people unloading their dogs, even puppies (because they are just too much work). I swear, there is no way I would be able to work at a shelter because I totally see myself jumping the front desk and beating the snot out of people. People suck!

Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on December 11, 2012 at 6:12pm

Karen, I just love that picture!!


BG, I can't go back and look at the dogs in the kennels anymore.  It makes me too sad to see them all there.


Jane, I agree with you that this has been going on for a long time.  I think it just didn't notice it before, but then after finding DK and then adopting Ollie from DRC, I might just notice it more.  Sort of like how you don't realize how many people drive X type of car until you buy that car and then you see it everywhere.


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