Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Perhaps when you read this title you were thinking Leo has successfully completed Agility Training. Not yet. Barring clear skies and dry ground we should have our last and final class this Saturday.

When I titled this post: “I’m Certified” I am referring to ones sanity when it comes to her doodles!

The rational part of me questions my deductive reasoning when I think about the things I do with/for them.

I mean really – did I ever envision myself:

Packing them up, driving to DE so that they could enjoy a “lease-less” day at the beach?…


Participating in “pet events” BEFORE 8:00am on a Saturday morning?…


Falling for their doodle duo pouting game so they could get a ride in the car?…

Leo 2

Making “doodle favors” for a birthday pawty at doggie day camp?…


Taking them to the park? (Lord, help me!)…


Even though I did all of these things I still thought of myself as somewhat sane! But reality can hit you when you least expect it and you’ve just got to deal with it head on.

Earlier this month something got inside of Leo (read: Doodle Down) and he wasn’t feeling too good…


In addition to some good ole fashion drugs, Leo’s diet had to change for a few days to allow his tummy some time to rest and regroup. Most dogs will feast on a bland diet of rice and/or pasta, but not mine. They won’t touch the stuff.

Doodle Doc’s instructions were to boil chicken breasts, shred, chop or grind, and add peeled, mashed white or sweet potatoes to the chicken. Now, I don’t know about you, but this was a whole new world for me.

So I got to boiling, peeling, grinding, and mixing …


All the while I’m thinking “am I really cooking for them now?” And I got my answer when I looked down at Harley waiting like he was dining at some 5 star pet restaurant…


I shouted in my mind, “girl you have really gone over to the far side now!” 

I prepared this culinary delight for days – which seemed like months. Two cups of “chicken tater mash” (that’s what I named it), three times a day for TWO DOODLES. I felt like an inmate on kitchen detail. Every thing seemed “off schedule.” Poor DH – his dinner was always late…


That’s when the “reality wall” snuck up and hit me – the “certified” member in this “Doodle household” is me!…

Doodle Crazy


Leo was very appreciative of his “hospital food.” He seemed to find it tasty, and his tummy tolerated it quite well…

Leo 3

We’re back on our regular culinary regiment, tummy issues are gone, we’re hanging out around town, and I’m ruving every single minute…


If I am “doodle crazy” then I’ll represent it well. I’m gonna print out my certificate and hang it in my office proudly!

If your crazy about your dog, then you should have one too! Tell me your breed, send me a picture and I will gladly create one and send it back to you. We can start a club – HA!

Thanks fur reading, and most importantly, thanks fur understanding…

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Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 10:02am

Thanks Jane! Want a certificate? Send me a pic of your crew so I can send you your well deserved certificate! You can reach me via email through the groovy goldendoodles website. Take care and thanks for reading.

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 10:01am

Hey Joanna - OMD - it's so comforting to know there are people out there that can relate to the same sort of crazy. I know exactly how you feel referring to your experience at Home Goods. Sometimes I have declined an invitation to somewhere just because I would have been on the go for a couple of days, and really missed just hanging out at home with the boys nearby. Crazy huh? But I'm sure you can relate! Send me a picture of your doods via the groovy goldendoodles website and I will proudly send you your own well deserved certificate! Thanks so much for reading. Take care

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 9:58am

Hey Lonnie - I like that "Be loud and proud" - you're certificate is on it's way. I've got plenty of pics of Libby. 

Have a good one!

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 9:53am


You've said nothing but the truth! And I am finding there are more pet parents in this little club then I ever imagined (so good to know we're not alone - HA!). So, send me a pic of Luigi and I will send you your well deserved certificate too! Hit me up via email through the groovy goldendoodles website. Take care

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 9:47am


I think all doodles bring this type of doodle ruv out of their parents. It's just in their nature. Want a certificate? Just send me a picture of you and Jack and I will send you one. You can reach me best through the groovy goldendoodles website. DOODLE MOM'S ROCK!!!

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 9:45am

Thanks Cheryl - never say never yet - Finnegan will have another birthday (hint hint). Send me a picture of Finnegan and I will send you your well deserved certificate. You can reach me through the groovy goldendoodles website. DOODLE MOM'S ROCK!!!!!

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 18, 2013 at 9:43am

GIRLFRIEND!!! We are in the same club. Even though I don't have grands yet (still hopeful), I know a list of humans in the family that feel the same way your son does. Hit me up via email through the groovy golden doodles website with a picture of Gracie and I will definitely send you your certificate - You've earned it - DOODLE MOM'S ROCK!!!

Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on August 18, 2013 at 9:24am

Ha ha...I love it.  My grown children certified me a years ago!!  My son thinks I love Gracie Doodle more than his 4 kids (my grandchildren)...I have to say...she is much better trained, disciplined and behaves much better and doesn't cry or whine...oops...gotta go.  They are here visiting for 10 days from Boston and I have to go protect my house.  They are 9, 7, 5 and 21/2.  Gotta say the youngest is the only girl and is a bit spoiled and cries all the time.  Give me my Doodle!!!!!!  lol

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on August 16, 2013 at 8:14pm

Congratulations!  This is best kind of crazy.  I think I've done everything here EXCEPT you've got me beat with those party favors!  Love this blog!

Comment by Jennifer and Jack on August 16, 2013 at 3:36pm

THis is awesome. How lucky those doodles are to have you as their mom.....


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