Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Leaving your buddy tied up to a pole while you grab groceries...

Ok maybe my mom is a bit protective - so please do voice your opinion about this - but my mom does not like to see dogs (Doods or any other kind) left, tired up to some garbage can, street lamp etc. while their human goes into stores to grab groceries, or a coffee, or baked goods etc.

100,000 dogs are stolen or lost every year in Canada (probably higher in the US) and often the stolen dogs belonged to a caring enough owner who happened to leave their dog tied up and un-attended while they went off to do "Chores".

I am not a CHORE!! My mom makes me her priority. When we go out together it is my time. If she does need to get dry cleaning or something of that nature, she takes me into the shop with her. She believes that it is better to "beg for forgiveness than ask for permission". She knows where I am welcome and in fact will not shop at clothing stores or other shops where I am not welcome!

If she needs to go shopping somewhere that dogs cannot go (Grocery store) she leaves me at home.

I like this because I know when I am with her I am safe and that I am her priority. And if I cannot go I don't have to worry about getting too hot or having random people come up to me without my mom being there.

So, is she too protective? I don't think so but maybe she is...

Many dogs that are stolen are often stolen from front yards of homes where dogs are left out un-attended, or from store fronts where they have been tied up and start to bark or whine.

My mom's heart breaks when she sees a post on a pole or store window that says "dog lost / stolen - last seen tied up in front of 'abc' store"... She does not wish this on any dog owner - but really, you wouldn't leave your toddler tied up out side all alone - would you??

My mom also believes that by taking us into the store with you (unless restricted for health bylaws) the general feeling toward dogs in public spaces will improve. Of course we must be on our best behaviour when we go in...

When I was in Europe I went EVERYWHERE - including grocery stores, cafes and restaurants. Someday this will be our right here too... well, a Dood can dream anyway...

Licks & Wags


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Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on June 30, 2010 at 1:03pm
You got to go to Europe??? My mom is going there soon, but I have to stay with grandma and pops. My mom also hates it when people leave their doggies tied up. I am glad she doesn't do that to me. I do wish I could go places with her, but she usually leaves me home so I don't have to stay in the car or be alone. I am not allowed everywhere she tells me. I guess I would rather not get stolen away or be too hot outside!
Licks to you
Lady Peri


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