Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OMG, how long has it been??????????? I have not been on here for soooooo long, I am ashamed of myself. So many things have been going on in our lives I just got away from all of our friends here on DK. I am sorry. We lost my MIL in May, I fell on July 18 and broke my foot and have not worked since. I was on crutches with an air cast boot on up until about 3 weeks ago and now am off the crutches, still have the boot on though and using a bone stimulator now 2x's / day. The bone is not healing. I was on short term disability for 3 months and have just started long term disability. Do not know If or when I will return to work. It has been very very trying. We had been planning on going to Florida Jan. - April 2011 and by the grace of God still plan on doing that. We rented our house and are living between our motorhome and our home in the mountains until leaving for Fld. I have to use the stimulator on my foot for 3 months and if it is not healed by then, I guess it will be surgery </:-( My Lucy is doing GREAT!!! I love her soooo much. I have to be careful though as she gets quite frisky outside and wants me to run and play with her and I can't. SHE NEEDS A ROMP TO GO TO hahahahahaha. She now weighs 80# and Doc Bob thinks she needs to go on a diet. Mamma does not think so. She is fine. I still have my mobile groomer and I am still able to get her fluffed and buffed monthly. SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT. She is even good at getting her nails done now. I really hope to be able to meet up with some of you and your doodles in Fld. this winter. We will be at a campground in Brooksville. There are alot of things that have kept me busy related to this accident and all that is involved with work, ins., my DH's ins. etc. etc. that has kept me preoccupied, BUT we will be back to join in all of the fun of doodles. Have missed you all

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Comment by Karen & Lucy on November 11, 2010 at 8:28pm
Thank you all for your warm and kind thoughts. Won't be on here as much as I always was before as we do not have internet access when we are at our home in the mountains, but will be checking in as much as possible. Will be seeing the Doc. next fri. for another xray, so keeping my fingers crossed. What great friends Lucy and I have here on DK. You are all great.
Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on November 11, 2010 at 6:53am
Karen. So nice to see you out there! I have often thought about you and hoped all was well. Sometimes I thought maybe you all escaped in your RV to great places. Please join us again--MORE OFTEN
Comment by Carol and Banjo on November 11, 2010 at 6:02am
So good to "see" you again Karen! Hoping your foot is as good as new soon!!!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on November 10, 2010 at 9:39pm
I have been wondering where you were. I am so sorry for your sad news. I hope your bones began to heal. Maybe all of our good wishes will help. My husband's aunt lives in Brooksville and she loves it. She lives in a mobile home park.
Comment by Kyoko on November 10, 2010 at 8:10pm
OMG!! I was wondering whatever happened to you~ I missed you...... Welcome back Karen. I hope you get better soon.....
Comment by Adina P on November 10, 2010 at 7:09pm
Glad to see you back, if for a moment. Hope that bone heals up!
Comment by Anna and Achilles on November 10, 2010 at 6:09pm
Welcome Back!!!! It is not the same without you.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on November 10, 2010 at 3:33pm
Welcome back, Karen, we've missed you! Sorry for all your troubles, hope that foot heals soon! Hugs to you & Lucy!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on November 10, 2010 at 12:19pm
Welcome back. Been wondering where you went. Sounds like a rough summer for you guys. Certainly hope that things start looking up. I have a friend that slipped on a ladder and broke her leg back in July and just as she came out of the boot, into the stiff brace, she tripped on a curb and broke the other foot .... neither are heeling correctly! Sounds like the same treatments you are doing that she is doing! Best wishes for a complete recovery.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on November 10, 2010 at 6:53am
I have missed hearing from you! Here is to hoping everything starts looking up for you very soon. Positive thoughts are coming your way....


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