Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Why is it that every time, that's EVERY time!, I have stayed in a motel with my dogs, past and present, I am given a room at the bottom of a flight of stairs? Does the motel management want my dogs to be obnoxious? Do they want me to get no sleep? Do they think I like hearing all the conversations as people carry their many loads of luggage up and down the stairs? Do they think I like getting to hear everyone's footsteps as they travel above my head to their various rooms?

It was really a pain with my old dog, because I lived in an apartment at the top of the stairs and she had learned to bark whenever she heard footsteps. But we both survived her stays in a motel.

This latest trip was the first time I had traveled with two dogs. Thus I was a little nervous. Before I went to bed, I got my "arsenal" lined up on the nightstand next to me: squirt bottle filled-check! lots of tasty little treats-check! bark collar as a last resort-check! Whenever I heard footsteps or voices, I'd rear up out of the covers and throw treats at my doodles. They quickly learned to look at me and open their mouths like starving baby birds at any commotion outside our cozy little room. And I am proud to report that they did really well, and hardly barked at all. I however was seriously sleep deprived, and probably not safe to be on the roads the next day. Which is not my fault--I blame it all on the motel managers who have gotten together and gleefully assign the noisiest rooms to those who travel with dogs.

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Comment by GBK on August 29, 2010 at 5:35pm
Been there and still do that Wendy :( My hearing has increased to dog level as I try to doze with my two watch dogs when we stay in a motel!!!! All those doors slamming, grrrrr, makes ME want to bark. I try to stay in places that only have one floor and keep the tv on low so there is some background noise. Good idea for the dead end corridor or the end room of the place you stay. My Buddy is the worst, he barks at anyones car door locking beep! I always ask for room furthest from the parking lot too.....
Comment by Wendy and Eddie on August 28, 2010 at 5:38pm
I like the suggestions of Candlewood Suites and asking for a room at the end of a dead end corridor. And yes, Donna, my dogs thought staying there was the best thing ever!
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on August 28, 2010 at 4:14pm
I know you probably don't think it's funny, I can't help laughing when I picture you bolting up in the bed tossing out treats. I'm betting the dogs would love to go back to this motel, after all those treats it is sure to be one of their favorite places.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on August 27, 2010 at 10:17pm
On the road we stay at the Candlewood Suites. Dog friendly floor is the top floor - they only have 3 including the main floor so it isnt so terrible. 1 bedroom suite, full kitchen, tv in 'living room' and one in the bedroom.
Always clean.
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on August 27, 2010 at 7:44pm
Maybe next time you could request the top floor at a dead end corridor, no rooms no stairs beyond you.


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