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Comment by LeAnn, Lucy & Rusty!! on March 14, 2009 at 4:49pm
LOL Lucy is a tunnel freak too!! It sounds like Murphy represented the doodles well. YEAH! I'm just sure that in the next year or two we will see a doodle Agility champion. You may have said and I just missed it.. but was this NADAC, USDAA or UKC??

Super pictures.. Murphy is HUGE.. and beautiful.. and can get some serious height on his jumps!! thanks for sharing!
Comment by Nancy - Opal, Meadow & Tariki on February 13, 2009 at 4:54pm
Great pictures!!! Murph looks like a pro!! I'm excited and nervous at the same time... I"m not sure if my dog listens well enough. I think she will love the attention.
Comment by Linda and Murphy on February 10, 2009 at 3:18pm
LOL Well, Sunday was better than Saturday.

Saturday started with 2 runs of Tunnelers (nothing but tunnels, 15 to be exact). Murphy did a wonderful sit/stay at the start line, did the first 3 tunnels and then made up his own course...and MACH 1 speed, of course. I was kinda left standing in the middle, unable to get his attention, watching him execute the fastest zoomies ever. I was laughing and so was everyone else.
He zoomed through the last 2 tunnels, picked up his leash (at full gallop) and brought it to me, like
"Okay, mom, that was fun. I'm finished. We can go."
(There were over 160 dogs there, 450 runs, and I never saw another dog pick up his leash)

I have decided that tunnels are like cocaine for Murphy....he just can't help himself.
My friend said he hasn't grown a brain yet. I disagree. He is JUST like my ADHD son.

He was dubbed "comic relief." and we got comments such as "he is so enthusiastic!" " I have never seen a dog run with a smile on his face" "Does he always have this much fun?"
He was the only nonAKC dog in the event. There are not many Doodles in this area, but a whole lot of AKC people now know what one very large Doodle looks like!

We did better on Sunday (he was tired). He got a second place on a regular course. I was soo pleased. He only had 3 faults...he blew the entry on weaves and did the tunnels more than once.

Given a choice of tunnel or dogwalk (or ANYTHING!!) tunnel always wins!
Comment by Adina P on February 10, 2009 at 11:20am
ooooh tell us more!


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