From the board of Doodle Messenger:
This family and their Bailey need Doodle owners to step up with donations, no matter how small, to the Primary Oncologist. Bailey's chemotherapy treatments for Lymphoma began the evening of the day the owners were told by their Veterinarian the diagnosis.
Below Bailey's story, submitted by a friend of the family and added to when we contacted the owner, is general information on Lymphoma, and links to other sources of information on the internet. The family is undergoing substantial financial burden at this time and any financial support you can provide will be greatly appreciated. You will scroll past three others in need as you go to Bailey's page. All four could really use a hand from fellow Doodle owners. Checks or credit cards can be used in providing a donation. Bailey, you are safe on the Messenger page. Stay well sweet one, look around you at Libby, Sully, and Buddy.
Help is on the way!
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