Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and the love you are sending my way. I appreciate it so much.
I'm still in shock mostly with moments of disbelief and sadness. I have been most concerned about his wife and two kids. My father's wife and their young boys are in Oregon, where he died (if any of you near Portland read the articles about a man crashing into an ODT truck...that was my father). My brother, sister and Mom are in Southern California. His youngest son doesn't quite understand what happened so he's been 'okay'. His older son (8 or 9 y.o.) does understand and he's had a hard time, but also showing quite a bit of maturity (I've been told).
My youngest sister is 18 and has Down syndrome. My father was a man of many flaws, but had a good heart. My sister hadn't seen him in a few years but thought of him often and missed him often and really adored him. I was terrified about how she'd take the news. She found out yesterday, my mom worked a short day and my brother took off work completely to be there for her. Her response was "Why are you telling me this? I love him." and then she cried and didn't want to let go of my mom for a while. When I spoke to her on the phone shortly after that she seemed very composed. So she may do better than I had thought. I don't know. I wish I could have been there to hug her and hold her too.
That's what I want be with my family and his. My mom, brother, and sister will be driving up from Cali to Oregon today and Clark and I will drive down to Oregon on Friday for the funeral.
I spoke to my dad in the last week. He had had a second heart attack. He refused to be admitted to the hospital. I scolded him for this (not meanly, but just tried to reason with him). When I got off the phone with him I told Clark "this man is not gonna see his kids go to high school if he doesn't start taking care of himself." My prediction came true, but good grief I didn't expect it to come so soon.
Until Friday there is not much I can do. But it does feel good to type and popping in on DK and other forums is a HUGE stress reliever and escape which I need until Friday. So I hope you don't think I'm crazy for typing up a storm on here for the next couple of days. I may not be much good at tech problem solving but I need to participate somehow...I've been peaking in all day yesterday seeing what's going on on every single doodle forum in the world I gave me moments of sanity and made me forget the tightness in my chest.