In four days our precious baby boy has learned his name and comes when you call, rings the bell to go outside or at least potty's on the paper if he can't make it, goes to his bed when you say "go get in your bed." He learned in two days that the clinking of a fork and bowl mixing his food makes the same sound as when we are eating our food, he knows how to sit and sits when you point down, he learned how lay down when you say "down." He runs to the laundry room when you ask him if he wants a treat and today he ran to the back door when I asked if he wanted to go outside. What a smart doggy!
The best time he's had so far is when we went to see his Poppy and Nanna and meet his new puppy friends. He loves his Poppy and Nanna and most of all he loves Lilly because she is just as big as his mommy. When he met her he pushed his nose into her bellly trying to find the teets and to his disappointment they were empty. It was the saddest moment ever but so sweet.
I thought puppy training would be a world of pain and really its not so bad if you don't mind the endless yelping in the night! He's getting better though. Thanks to Becky and Richard he loves his new big crate and is comfortable enough to go in and out anytime, not just when he has to. I even tied a cute tan bow on the corner just to match him! :)
Oh and his name is Cole. For now at least...
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