Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The truth about my visit with Cheryl and Laurie

I posted this initially in Laurie's latest blog but feared the truth would get lost there.  So read Laurie's blog and then read this if you want to know what really happened.  In that blog, she spun an elaborate theory about my untrue identity as Doris Day.


Meeting with Cheryl and Laurie was such a treat, but I confess that I worried a lot about Laurie.  She kept calling me “Doris” as her eyes twitched—I think she was trying to wink.  Poor thing. 


But I really began to worry when Laurie pulled out a finger print kit and tried to get a thumbprint off my camera.  “Here, Doris, let me look at your camera so I can compare it to mine.”  Now I know why.  She wanted incontrovertible proof of her theory about my identity.  Or, she wanted to destroy the camera to prevent me from getting an “oh heck, awesome” compliment from Camilla for one of my photos.


Cheryl did not take part in the “I Spy” episode and acted instead as our official photographer.  I loved it when she pleaded with the camera to do what she wanted it to do for our official portrait.  She was bold enough to use the self-timer on her camera, which I avoid because it always frustrates me.   After a few tries that had us smiling like fools at a camera that would not go off as planned, she found the magic formula and captured one of many wonderful moments of the day.


Laurie, Cheryl, and I became on-line friends mainly because we wanted to take photos of our doodles that weren’t hopelessly blurred.  We went through the wonderful basic photography lessons that Camilla provided, and we each got better over time.  F, who started the photography group, was always there to encourage us and also at times to give us a dose of healthy honesty.   We did this as we celebrated our lives with our doodles.  And although Chance, Finnegan, Fudge, and Vern have never met, I think they are lifelong friends anyway. 


I had a bit of a run-in with TSA on the way back to California because Laurie managed to slip a fake ID into my travel bag.  When I unwittingly handed it to the agent, he astutely noticed that the name on my ticket was not the same as the name on my fake driver’s license.  To make a long story short, TSA searched my person and everything I was carrying, only to find some special gifts from Laurie that actually made them laugh.


Who else but Doris Day Jordan would be carrying “Buck” Schitz toilet paper, poop bags, and a “Dog Lover” mug in their suitcase?


Thanks Cheryl and Laurie for a special and fun day!



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Comment by F, Calla & Luca on July 22, 2014 at 6:07pm

I will post this here because I am glad to hear the straight poop story and because Laurie has already commented and she will therefore never see this. Imagine being mislead by initials. When I after two attempts at placing her I realized Laurie was actually Erma Bombeck's incarnation did I allow myself to be mislead by initials? No, I did not.

Using sophisticated facial recognition software and copious gray matter activity I cam to realize that DJ is actually the granddaughter of Moe of the three stooges. (see how I didn't think DJ is 92). I offer the proof positive. And though Moe acted the fool he was brilliantly creative just like DJ.

DJ Grandpa would be proud if he could see you now.

Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on July 22, 2014 at 6:03pm

The image of you having to face a TSA agent with your bags of goodies is too much!! So glad that you all got to meet!

Comment by Carol and Banjo on July 22, 2014 at 3:55pm

Oh Doris.....I love that you were able to put a smile on the TSA agents' faces!    I can only imagine the many "odd" things they run into.    It sounds like you outsmarted Laurie!

Comment by DJ & Chance on July 22, 2014 at 3:43pm

LOL, Cheryl.  Someone had to tell the truth:)

Lonnie, you are right.  Laurie is very sneaky.  She also gave Chance a cuddly toy that he now drags into bed with me--I think she may have designs on my doodle as a new companion for Fudge and Vern.

Joanne, I think that's what the TSA agent said when I tried to explain what was in my suitcase.

Laurie, I agree.  You can't wink and it was a riot watching you try :)  I think the whole trip affected my brain.  I can't find my pink poodles anywhere.

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on July 22, 2014 at 3:14pm

OMD dueling blogs!!  DJ, I'm glad you've set the record straight LOL  Stealing a driver's license to get fingerprints is "over the top" even for our Laurie.  I'm shocked! Oh wait, this IS Laurie we're talking about :)  I'm waiting for the TSA "Buck Shitz segment to appear on CNN LOLOL

Comment by Lonnie & Libby Lu on July 22, 2014 at 2:38pm

Thanks for the truth "Doris" and next time watch that Laurie much more closely.  She has a way about things!  What a great time you three had and all the pictures were wonderful!  F and Camilla are proud:)

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 22, 2014 at 2:15pm

Joanne, You know me too well :) Actually, I was doing a whole poop bag theme!

Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on July 22, 2014 at 2:07pm

Im thinking the toilet paper was to clean up all the shitz you were dishing out, Laurie?  Could I be right?

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 22, 2014 at 2:04pm

OMD....what a crock of I do not wink :) LOL I am laughing thinking of you explaining your gifts to security. I had a great time and next time, I will get those fingerprints. I just got to bring someone along that will hold you down :)

Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on July 22, 2014 at 1:23pm

I believe YOU, DJ


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