Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, tomorrow is the day that we bring Lacey home. Time has gone so slow and we have been waiting so long for this day to come. We miss her like crazy since that first initial meeting and we cannot wait to see our little ball of fluff again.

That being said, I am feeling this mix of emotions. I'm so so so happy to finally have her home and I am beyond excited. But I can't help but feel really nervous at the same time. I have been running through everything in my head constantly. Do I have everything? Is her vet appointment set up? Is everything puppy proofed? Will the baby gate be here on time?

I just didn't expect to be so worried. Eric has continually said all along how nervous he is, and I thought he was crazy. But it all of a sudden hit me all at once last night how nervous I am too. Maybe deep down I am nervous because I want her to love me as much as we already love her.

I know every day will be a challenge and we will grow together. I am just so excited for that to happen. Keep us in your prayers as we make the trip to Columbus. Should be about a 3 hour car ride. All our supplies are already set aside - lots of towels, plastic bags, etc. for emergencies and lots of toys to keep her preoccupied. 10 a.m. can't come soon enough.

I will be sure to give lots of updates on her homecoming, as well as lots of pictures. Keep us in your thoughts!

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Comment by Cathy, Fozzie & Shaggy on March 30, 2014 at 8:49pm

Best of luck to you and your new pup, Lacey!

Comment by Kristen Eric Lacey and Paisley on March 30, 2014 at 2:51pm

Thank you! Yes she's home now. This blog took a while to get approved for posting, I'm not sure why. She's had a great first day :) 

Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on March 30, 2014 at 8:42am

I imagine you have your Lacey home by now, congratulations! Hope all is going well. I'm sure she is already loving her family!!


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