Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

On Sunday, my husband decided to try and get the 5 million leaves we have all over our property blown into the neighbor's yard. Not really, but wouldn't we have the best neighbors if they told us that would be fine. Since I had stuff to do inside the house, Fudge came in with me to take her nap. Fudge loves to catch up on her beauty sleep in the afternoon and usually takes her naps back on our bed with two fans blowing on her. Let's just say for the purposes of this blog that she turns them on herself, so it does not sound like Fudge is spoiled in any way. Vern is more of a mover and shaker and if anyone is out in the yard, he wants to be out there too supervising. On Sunday, he was in the driveway chewing his bone while my husband was doing the yard work. Sometime later, my husband opened the door and said that Vern had to stay inside. Later, he told me why. Borrowing a line from one of my favorite shows, Monk, here's what happened.


Vern was in the driveway minding his own business.


When all of a sudden, this came out of nowhere. Notice how my husband is pointing that leaf blower right in Vern's direction.

At this point, my husband said he noticed Vern jumped up and ran behind the car and out into our yard. He seemed to be running. Imagine the snow is actually leaves.

Apparently, the leaf blower or maybe it was the goofy man wearing a sweat band around his forehead, ear phones, and some contraption on his back, that looked like he was waiting for lift off, must have startled Vern. He didn't think anything about it, which again, is why I am not always sure our dogs should be left in his care.

Well, Vern must have seen this getting closer.

and in desperation to get away, either did this to our deer fencing:

or this...although based on the large hole and some tufts of hair left as evidence, we are going with this option:

When my husband looked up from his leaf blowing, he was surprised to see Vern on the other side of our fence, in the farmer's field, near the gate with his little face looking in. For all I know, Vern could have been throwing rocks at him for hours trying to get his attention.  Vern must not have realized the large hole he left in the deer fencing was another way he could access our yard and that he was just a few feet away from saving himself.


John said Vern was ecstatic when he finally went over and opened the gate and so relieved to see him. Later, we were all out there when John was blowing more leaves and Vern was fine. My husband was probably hoping he had a reason not to have to turn that leaf blower on again, but no such luck.


Vern is relieved all the leaf blowing work is done, but I bet he is thinking, "Dad, you missed a few leaves, right over here."









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Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 12, 2011 at 6:14pm

Thanks, Sharon :)

Comment by Sharon & Monty on November 12, 2011 at 4:38pm

poor verners


Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 12, 2011 at 4:27pm

Sasha, Vern says thank you for making him feel brave and special. He also loves that you think he is so handsome :)

Comment by Susan and Sasha on November 12, 2011 at 12:10pm

Hey Vern...

I know just how you must have felt that day!

I mean if I saw that man in my know...the one dressed in the red jacket...with that Big thing on his back...that was making all the noise  Well....

I would have "Run For The Hills" too!!

You probably didn't even know it was your Dad at first??!!

I mean how could you??

He looked like he was wearing some kind of costume!

You the ones your Mom makes you and Fudge wear...when she wants to take pictures and post them on DK!!  OMD...

I'm sure your Dad doesn't usually look like that....wearing that big red coat...have ear phones hanging out of his ears ...and a sweatband around his head that made him look like a...well...I won't even go there!!  have that Big Loud Things On His Back...that has a long tube to continually blow the leaves Everywhere!!!!


I would have crawled through the fence too..just to make sure I didn't get blown away with the leaves!!  I mean...what choice did you have??  Did they want you to wind up in Oz with Toto?? least the whirlwind finally stopped...and you were able to come back into your yard.  Safe and Sound.

Pffffew!  What a day you had Vern..and what we have to put up with sometimes with our DP's!   LOL...

But we sure do love them...don't we?

By the way looked Very Handsome in the pictures your Mom usual!  (smile)

Your friend Sasha...




Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 11, 2011 at 2:23am

Bonnie, someone needs to tell Vern :)

Nancy, Exactly...LOL!

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on November 10, 2011 at 7:45pm

Poor Vern.  I can see why he might be scared of that space alien noisy monster creature. And it had a weapon too!

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on November 10, 2011 at 7:21pm

Thanks, I'll let them know in the morning that you said they have to go back to bed.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 10, 2011 at 6:30pm

Bonnie, 5:00 am is way too early for man or beast to be up :) Tell those kids I said so...LOL!

Sherri, Thank you for thinking of Vern as brave :) We can send plenty of leaves your way...LOL!

Anna, Thank you for your nice comment about handsome Vern. Tell Achilles even Vern isn't afraid of a rake, but Fudge attacks our broom. LOL

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on November 10, 2011 at 5:40pm

@Laurie, I'm with you: let sleeping dogs, toddlers, teens, husbands lie!!! The waking can be a danger to life and limb. We are babysitting our grandchildren and I promise you there is no one waking them up if they are down! Standard Time has them waking at a ridiculous hour each morning... 5:00 ish.

Poor Vernors having to fight dragons to save his women!

Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on November 10, 2011 at 6:42am

Awe, poor Vernidoodle. I bet Vern wasn't scared at all, but instead was focused on securing the perimeter in order to make sure no more wayward leaves found their way into the yard!

Sophie is afraid of random stuff like this and often freaks out when she sees weird things - yesterday she was terrified of a womans fluffy boots. Although I wonder,... she does love a good blowing leaf. Maybe a leaf blower could provide hours of entertainment. One day when I have my own yard I'm going to test this out.


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