Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It hasn't been long since Christmas and you can see how big Katie has gotten so far. We asked the vet at her last visit how big he thought she would get and he said "A general guideline is once they hit 4 months old they normally double in size from there when fully grown" Wow!!! We knew she would be big but she is already bigger than our lab mix (who is about 45lbs). She's going to be a big girl hehe.

Alyssa (my 8 year old daughter) loves Katie to death and Katie is very affectionate and playful, very good with other animals (although Whitney our 13 year old lab is still not "in love" with her as you can probably tell from some of the pictures LOL) but Katie leaps and prances around her, swinging toys (or socks) batting her in the face with them and Whitney kind of just gives her a look like "This puppy is nuts" LOL.

The only drawback so far has been the nipping!! She gets excited and nips at Alyssa (more so than us). We have told her what to do to get her to stop but Katie doesn't see Alyssa as an authority figure but more of a playmate so the fun continues and her hands are usually scratched up a bit because of it. We are still working with Alyssa to get her to become more stern with her but she is very inconsistent (as expected from an 8 year old), hopefully Katie grows out of the nipping before she is 80lbs.

But other than that we couldn't have asked for a sweeter pup, she goes in her crate without a problem, loves rides in the car, is friendly (sometimes too friendly) and loves walks (and mud ...ugh!).

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Comment by 2SCdoodles on February 23, 2009 at 3:30pm
What a beauty!
Comment by The Berry Oaks Doodle Ranch on February 19, 2009 at 5:35pm
Hi, Tracy we sure came to that conclusion with Guinness.We picked him up Dec.7th and he was soooooooooo small.Now he is 4months old and weighs in at 28lbs. Katie is really cute.


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