Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Shelby Ann Ellis...I love you! You are my world. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. A boy and his dog...
Today has been so stressful, my mom is in icu, life support, my heart hurts. Last week I found my daughter unconscious, not breathing and had to perform CPR to revive her. I saved her life. Unimaginable to a father and mother. My family is the most important thing to me in this world.
Tonight my heart hurts. I love my wife with all my heart! But where's the love? Its missing and I feel so alone. I put all my passion into Shelby. Tonight Shelbs picked up her brush and put it in my lap and we laid on the floor and I brushed her out till she looked like a Teddy bear and I kissed her and told how much she means to me. It truthfully made me happy because its the most love I get. I love this girl. Nothing is more real than true love. Wagging tails and kisses always makes me happy :) I proclaim my love for my Goldendoodle. The lord blessed me when you came into my life girl. You are my world and I promise to love you and take care of you Shelby! Daddy loves you.
To anyone reading this, I apologize for this sad but happy blog. DK is my release.
I wish a very Merry Christmas to all my doodle friends, and be sure to appreciate you Doodles, love them.
Kevin C. Ellis N Shelby Roo

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Comment by BG and Gavin on December 17, 2011 at 10:44am

I am very sorry that you are going through a difficult time right now.  Glad that Shelby is bringing you needed comfort.


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