A Gaggle of Doodles at ThanksgivingphotoA Gaggle of Doodles at Thanksgiving4 Favoritesimagephotoimage2 Favorites
September 2012
Me and my pretty girl!!!photoMe and my pretty girl!!!1 FavoriteThis is how you carry an overgrown doodlebut…photoThis is how you carry an overgrown doodlebut…3 FavoritesTreat, please???photoTreat, please???2 Favorites
August 2012
DSC_0007photoDSC_00074 Favorites
July 2012
Best friends - Mochi, Harper, Popcorn, and L…photoBest friends - Mochi, Harper, Popcorn, and L…12 Favorites
June 2012
Got a bath and my mom gave me a haircut...I…photoGot a bath and my mom gave me a haircut...I…5 FavoritesMy Cinderella shoesphotoMy Cinderella shoes2 FavoritesBouquetsphotoBouquets1 Favorite562432_10150918668299334_1253860819_nphoto562432_10150918668299334_1253860819_n2 Favorites
May 2012
Look how big my baby is!! :'(photoLook how big my baby is!! :'(2 FavoritesWhut?photoWhut?1 FavoriteSleepin' good like usual, in his fav spot.photoSleepin' good like usual, in his fav spot.2 FavoritesMe and my furry Ring BearerphotoMe and my furry Ring Bearer4 FavoritesBaxter in the Garden, Table for TwophotoBaxter in the Garden, Table for Two7 Favorites
March 2012
Baxter's First BirthdayphotoBaxter's First Birthday1 FavoriteBaxter the Birthday Boy!photoBaxter the Birthday Boy!2 FavoritesKodas first day outphotoKodas first day out3 Favorites