Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Teaching Ozzie to help out around the house!


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Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on July 2, 2010 at 3:59pm
This is very cool. Ozzie is a star. I am so impressed with all his listed accomplishments.
Comment by fergie11 on March 11, 2009 at 7:39pm
that is the greatest!
Comment by Tamara & Giada on July 16, 2008 at 2:43pm
Very Cute! I need to teach my dogs that.
Comment by Adina P on July 10, 2008 at 2:02pm
It was SOOO fun to see Ozzie in action. I've only seen him in's a whole other dimension in video (no sound at work so didn't hear anything) but love the look on his face. It's almost like he's humoring i know how to pick up my toys and drop them places already...but I guess if you're gonna feed me treats for putting it there of all places...okay...--he is adorable and stoic all at once.
Comment by Lynda Kamrath on July 9, 2008 at 10:32pm
You did a great job multitasking. I have heard about the use of a clicker, but have never seen it in action. Your video was very explanatory. Looking forward to meeting you and Ozzie one day soon.
Comment by LucyR on July 9, 2008 at 9:13pm
Ignore the nervous erratic commands from his befuddled handler. I was multitasking with the commands and the camera and the clicker and the treats! Wonder I didn't blow a fuse. However we shaped this trick from his "looking at his toys" to his "going to pick them up and putting them in his basket." The clicker was invaluable for this. He does a pretty good job most of the time for just having learned to do this.


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