Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Traz, Karen & Dale
  • Windsor, CA
  • United States
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  • Diana B
  • DJ & Chance
  • Vicky & Cassidy
  • Sparky Yang
  • Kooper Doodle
  • Jane, Guinness and Murphy
  • LucyR

Traz, Karen & Dale's Discussions

Doggie Daycare Recommendations in Albuquerque NM

Started this discussion. Last reply by Traz, Karen & Dale Feb 18, 2014. 2 Replies

We are thinking about attending the 2014 The Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta which is October 4 through October 12.  We will be staying in our motorhome at a site to be determined…Continue

Groomer in Sonoma County

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie Jan 15, 2013. 2 Replies

Does anyone know of a groomer in Sonoma County (California) that actually knows how to groom a Labradoodle?  We live in Windsor, which is north of Santa Rosa.  Traz isn't getting the poms poms that…Continue

Adolescent Mischief

Started this discussion. Last reply by DJ & Chance Dec 30, 2012. 12 Replies

Traz is 7 1/2 months old and getting into more mischief than ever.  There are days when he goes after things; shoes, trinkets on the shelves, extension cords, etc. that he never bothered before.…Continue

Humping When Men Cross Legs

Started this discussion. Last reply by Chels*Claud*Midas Dec 29, 2012. 5 Replies

Anytime my husband (or our sons) cross their legs, ie: sitting in a chair watching TV, Traz (intact male) thinks it is an invitation to hump their leg.  I can cross my legs and he doesn't think…Continue

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Profile Information

About Me:
My husband and I are proud owners of Traz (born 5/8/12), a 3 year old male Labradoodle. He weighs about 68 pounds. We are both retired and are enjoying the our precious boy.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Traz is a multigen Australian Labradoodle from Gabby Jack Ranch in Penn Valley, CA. We do not have any other pets besides our precious boy, Traz.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My friend, Jacque Reynolds, is the owner of Gabby Jack Ranch which breeds service dogs for veterans and disabled individuals. Traz came to live with us (guardian family) as part of her breeding program with full knowledge, on our part, that we would be his forever home when he was done with his breeding commitments. We are extremely lucky and blessed to have him in our lives.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Traz LOVES to be outside. His walks and dog parks are his Heaven. We meet other dogs and people. It's a great outing for all of us.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I groom Traz
Favorite Doodle Products?
It's not really a doodle product, but Traz's favorite toy is a soccer ball. He's such a big boy that he enjoys chasing and dribbling the soccer ball around the backyard. His wagging tail tells it all. Great entertainment and exercise for all of us. We love our doodle!
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 2:40pm on September 24, 2015, Lynda Kamrath said…

Come on down to Poodle Day in Carmel on Oct. 3rd.  There is a costume parade in the morning and beach play in the afternoon.  All kinds and colors of poodles and doodles come out for it.

At 10:52am on August 9, 2013, michelle berenwick said…

thank you soo much...soo happy I was told about this website!!!


At 6:52am on April 22, 2013, Joanna, Zoe & Bender said…
Good Morning Traz, Laren, and Dale! Thank you for the sweet comment on my page! I think they are just the best things on earth and they make me so happy. I think Traz and Bender look so much alike too!!! They are similar sizes as well :). Traz is just a lovely pup! Very interesting name too. Have a wonderful day! Ugh Mondayssss
At 8:19pm on January 7, 2013, Willow and J said…

Sorry for not responding to your comments! I am logged on all the time, but I don't really do much other than reading new posts on the main page, and I didn't see your comment until now. Doodles are never predictable, I know! I think Willow was about 50 lb. around 10 month, and she slowed down growing from then, although she continue to grow in length and height probably until 15 month or so. Her breeder also didn't want to believe that Willow grew to be such a big girl, but we love every ounce of her! She's also perfect height for our couch - she can put back legs on the couch with two front legs on the floor. Traz is a cutie! He reminds me of Willow's "teenager look" at that age. Enjoy your doodle!

At 9:25pm on December 28, 2012, DJ & Chance said…

Thank you!  Traz is a real cutie!  As for Chance, he captures my heart day after day. 

At 10:26pm on November 27, 2012, Sharon, Boo & Cricket said…

Hi Karen and Dale! (and Traz!)

Thanks so much for your message!  I'm sorry I missed it, I haven't been on DK in a while.  Traz is absolutely adorable!  He definitely reminds me of my doods back when they were pups.  It's hard to believe that my guys are 4 and 5 years old now.  Are you enjoying puppyhood with Traz?  It's such a special time, I wish I could go back and do it again!

At 10:31am on November 16, 2012, Jane, Guinness and Murphy said…

Thanks for the "friend request"...your Traz is just adorable.  I see you're going down the Therapy training path.  Guinness has his TDI certification and I really loved the training process.  I was lucky enough to find a wonderful trainer who took me through the process.  I had to give up taking him on his Therapy visits when we ran into so many problems with Murphy.....that has consumed most of my time.  I will get back to it though.

At 1:36pm on November 8, 2012, Robin said…
Both of our doodles love the beach and the lake. I have some cute pictures of them in the water. I need to update my page. Haven't done it in a long time.
At 10:26pm on November 5, 2012, Lonnie &amp; Libby Lu said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses Karen!  Traz is absolutely beautiful and I love his coloring.  This is a wonderful site with oodles of Doodle information and lots of fun too!  You might want to join some of the groups too! Have fun and enjoy:) 

At 7:50pm on November 5, 2012, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…



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