Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles
  • Armstrong, BC
  • Canada
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Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles's Friends

  • Tina, Tucker & Bailey
  • Kerry Hemphill
  • Rachelle Rigos
  • AuggieBear
  • Leann
  • Emily, Bentley, & Maserati
  • Julie and Max
  • Anita - Thunder, Noodle, Sparky
  • Kelly Laurel
  • Hazy Daisy Doodles
  • Seamus & Haidee
  • Patti Gillespie
  • Stephanie
  • Tom Dri (Jaxon's Dad)

Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles's Discussions

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Started this discussion. Last reply by Adina P Jan 15, 2009. 8 Replies


"The Ultimate Dog Experience"

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Summer's Mom joined Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles's group

Doodle Grooming

A place to discuss grooming issues.A chance to ask a professional groomer for advice.A place to start discussions that will be of interest to the many fledgling groomers here. Be sure to add tags! See More
Aug 15, 2019
Beau joined Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles's group

Doodle Grooming

A place to discuss grooming issues.A chance to ask a professional groomer for advice.A place to start discussions that will be of interest to the many fledgling groomers here. Be sure to add tags! See More
Aug 6, 2019
Mcct joined Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles's group

Doodle Grooming

A place to discuss grooming issues.A chance to ask a professional groomer for advice.A place to start discussions that will be of interest to the many fledgling groomers here. Be sure to add tags! See More
Jul 31, 2019
Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie commented on Barb @ Gemstone Labradoodles's group Doodle Grooming
"I purchased a 1 1/4 cut guard on amazon and was only able to use it once on Maisie, none of their coats are actually long enough.  If you can't find it on amazon go to andis website directly, their customer service is awesome. "
Jul 21, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
We gave up our jobs and moved from the city of Vancouver a few years ago to raise Australian Labradoodles. We now have a beautiful hilltop in the Okanagan Valley and lots of doodles. You can find us at or email us at
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We raise only Australian Labradoodles. Our first breeding pair were imported from Australia and they really jumpstarted our adventure by having 14 puppies a few weeks after they arrived. We also have a 2 shepherds, a miniature schnauzer, an F1 Labradoodle and 2 cats.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We chose Australian Labradoodles because they were developed by a careful breeding program and have been bred for many years in Australia. The reputation of having a mellow temperament is really true.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Our many doodles keep us hopping all day with feeding, cleaning, laundry and opening and closing the door. [They are always on the wrong side.] In the evening we relax with our laps and feet covered in doodles.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I am a professional groomer, so I do the grooming.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Les Pooch brushes. I couldn't live without them. I have also developed a really good system for grooming that drastically reduces the need for brushing.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Comment Wall (105 comments)

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At 6:17pm on January 28, 2015, Tina, Tucker & Bailey said…

Hi Barb sorry to bother you again. "My name is Tina, I have 2 Doodles. Tucker a 1 1/2 yr. old miniature Labradoodle & Bailey a 7 month old standard Goldendoodle." I forgot to add that I live in Merced Ca. & I am looking for other Doodler's that are close to me and would like to get together and meet. I don't know anyone in my area yet and I would like to meet other people that love their Doodles as much as I do.

At 10:24pm on April 11, 2013, Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau said…

What a beauty DD is.  Physically I would say she is just about perfect for what I like...

At 1:45pm on April 11, 2013, Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau said…

Aw Barb, just saw the pups ... they are so cute!  Are they all chocolate?  Not ready yet but I don't know how much longer I can hold out for adding another to my pack...

At 6:03am on June 10, 2012, Shirley Ames said…
Thank you for your response on my grooming issues with Abigail.
I have noticed some signs of dominance with her and my 2 shelties, but never with me,.she has always been very obedient, when I ask her to sit, stay, or down, and comes instantly when I call her. I guess I had never thought of this as a sign of wanting to be Miss Alpha, and yes, perhaps it is time for the brush to give her just a little prick, and it can be the bad guy, not her Mommy
Have a great day
BTW, I love your doodle on your profile. What a beauty.
Shirley and Abigail
At 12:52pm on May 21, 2012, Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey said…

Barb, I wanted to stop by to offer my condolences on your loss of Kramer.  I know he will be missed.

At 9:14am on April 19, 2012, Lynda Kamrath said…

Love your story about the ALDs.  Yes, Harpo is a very busy dog.  I have him in agility classes now and I guess he is easier to train than I am.  The lady who is training him is a P.E. teacher with three border collies that she uses for agility.  They are amazing.  We will see how it goes.  He is just all over the place and we have to get some focus (for both of us).

BTW, what do you think of the new phase with the Cobbadog name.  My ALD is from the same background, Tegan and Rutlands, and what is called a 6th generational ALD.  Personally, I like the Cobbadog name although it is supposed to include the Wheaton Terrier, which apparently the older dogs do not.  Just wondering what your opinion is as a breeder of ALDs.

At 7:22am on January 20, 2012, Laura and Ebony said…

Scotland...Wow...Well he must of been a great dog as Miss Ebony is a great dog.  She seems to have a sense of humour?  Could be from dod?

At 11:46am on January 13, 2012, Lauria Orr said…

Hi Barb,  I have a question about shampoo.  When I bathe the dogs at home I use Aveena for sensitive skin, followed by a lovely Chris Christensen conditioner. I am happy with that.  When we take the dogs to the groomers, every 5 weeks or so, she uses a color enhancing shampoo on Melody, that makes her coat quite bright.  She looks beautiful. I just wonder if that is healthy for her coat...I just have no idea. I have been meaning to ask this for the longest time!

At 2:26pm on November 29, 2011, Rhonda, Marabelle & Jeriki said…

Hey Barb, Things are going really well with Marabelle. So good in fact that we are thinking we would like one of Jaspers or Hugo's pups from your up coming litters. We just love her so much. Shes a pain in the butt once in a while but honestly she is so far the bestest dog I have ever known. Please let me know when the breeding is a success, and when they are expecting etc.


Rhonda Krieger

At 2:14am on September 4, 2011, Joy & Buddy said…
Barb, I found the recipe for the lemon rinse in the one of the grooming group discussions, so no need to send it.  Would love the food list for raw feeding though.  If it is easier, I can email you directly--just didn't want to take that liberty without asking, though.  Thanks, Joy.


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