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Doodle22's Discussions

Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle

Started this discussion. Last reply by Doodle22 Jul 24, 2019. 13 Replies

Hey guys, meet Murphy (picture attached)!  Murphy came home to our house last Thursday and has been an amazing pup so far!  He's easily trainable; already knows sit, touch and crate.  However, he has…Continue

Another will he doodle puppy coat predictions. What do you all think, will he doodle??

Started this discussion. Last reply by Doodle22 Jul 14, 2019. 5 Replies

Getting our boy in a week and are so excited!  What do you all think his coat will look like?Thanks!!Continue

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Doodle22 replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Might have spoken too soon...his personality is coming out a bit more!!"
Jul 24, 2019
Adina P replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Sounds like my dream pup.  I love those lazy doodles.  "
Jul 24, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Riley was gated off in a 4x4 space of our mudroom while we were at work after we got her...she went full termite on the baseboards 0.o  When I go back to work I think I'm going to have to put her in daycare on days when I'm gone all…"
Jul 24, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Riley was not crate trained when she came home but was sleeping through the night 3 days after she came home.  That months of age plus one hour only applies to daytime,  they can absolutely go 8+ hours at night at a few months old. …"
Jul 24, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Riley came home at 9 wks super lazy..she used to sleep most of the day and even ate lying down. She is now far from lazy and I would say she is a medium energy dog at about a year old."
Jul 24, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Yes, I would not leave a young puppy unsupervised with the run of the house, or even one room, lol."
Jul 24, 2019
Doodle22 replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"What a good pup!! Honestly, I think he'd probably sleep through the night if he wasn't crated, but he needs to master it since there will be times when I'm at work and my wife isn't here. And trusting a young puppy not to mess…"
Jul 24, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"My most recent puppy had a Varikennel crate in my room, next to my bed, and a regular crate in another room. Previous pups were crated in a different part of the house at night.  I kept my puppy in bed prior for some cuddle time at night,…"
Jul 24, 2019
Doodle22 replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Wow, the idea of having I'm sleep through the night sounds amazing right now. Our breeder definitely did not crate train so it's all on us. It's been getting better, but initially he would bark and whine for what seemed like…"
Jul 24, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"I have a purebred Poodle who didn't come home from his breeder until he was 10 weeks old, and he came home crate trained. He slept through the night from the very first night without more than a couple of initial whimpers. My doodle before him…"
Jul 24, 2019
Doodle22 replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Thanks for the feedback! We are going on one full week with him...did you guys get much sleep initially when you had your puppies? We've been pushing through taking him out every couple of hours, but this AM we are like zombies. Ooooof."
Jul 24, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"I agree with this. 10 weeks is very young. Don't be surprised to see his energy and his appetite increase a LOT over the next few months. "
Jul 24, 2019
Leslie J replied to Doodle22's discussion Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle
"Our dog, Cocoa, has never been a very active dog. She has always slept most of the time.  As a puppy, she was also a very light eater. She didn’t love walks but perked up when she could run and play with my kids outside. She still is very…"
Jul 24, 2019
Doodle22 posted a discussion

Super lazy 10 week old Goldendoodle

Hey guys, meet Murphy (picture attached)!  Murphy came home to our house last Thursday and has been an amazing pup so far!  He's easily trainable; already knows sit, touch and crate.  However, he has to be the laziest dog we have ever had.  He seems to have a total of 10-20 minutes of play time in him per day, and the rest of the time he just wants to sleep if he's not getting treats while learning!We live in an extremely hot part of the US, so it could be the heat.  But he doesn't like going…See More
Jul 23, 2019
Doodle22 replied to Doodle22's discussion Another will he doodle puppy coat predictions. What do you all think, will he doodle??
"Thank you! We can't wait to get him and see how he changes"
Jul 14, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie commented on Doodle22's photo


"This is such a cute picture. I'd use it for your profile photo."
Jul 14, 2019

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Waiting for our first Goldendoodle

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At 6:49pm on July 14, 2019, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Welcome! Doodlekisses is a great place to learn/share about doodles. There are many groups that you can join. For example, there are groups for grooming, nutrition, health/medical, types of doodles, puppy groups etc. Enjoy! Be sure to join the Southern California group:



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