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Ellen's Discussions

Dew claw issues

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Apr 26, 2019. 5 Replies

Our Penny came to us at 8 weeks with her dew claws already removed. I was not familiar with this practice, but wasn't unhappy, as we had another dog with persistent issues with snagging and pulling…Continue

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J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"I want to start sending Riley to daycare a few days a week when I'm back at work in January but I worry about how she will react to lots of dogs being around.  We take her to the dog park and she will play with some dogs but she's…"
Jul 21, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"I really think that a day a week of Daycare would be great for her, and I think it's good that they learn to be apart at times...your older dog may actually enjoy the break.  Also, I truly believe that training is key at this age....and it…"
Jul 21, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"We are possibly getting a pool next Summer... it will be nice!  Riley has been in grandma's pool and it definitely wears her out but she isn't too sure she likes it yet.  I imagine she will like our new pool more (assuming we go…"
Jul 21, 2019
Maryann,Roo and Tigger replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"I feel your pain!  Last summer in Monrovia, CA we had a "heat event": meaning it was well over 100 for 6 weeks and then down to a balmy 90+ for another 6.  Set all kinds of records, including the strength of my patience. …"
Jul 20, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"Walks are not enough for a lot of doodles including Riley.  She needs a couple hard play sessions with 15+ mins running a day plus a few walks.  Off leash playing with other dogs is best but not possible during the week so lots of fetch in…"
Jul 20, 2019
Rosalyn Ancrum replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"I can understand.  My daughter's pup is 5 months old.  The puppy is staying with me for a while because my daughter is moving into another place.   Koda is so full  of energy.  I am worn out.  My dog is almost 8…"
Jul 20, 2019
Denise Mabie replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"How long are her walks? I’ve noticed that I need to walk my girl for at least an hour in the morning. Otherwise she’s constantly bringing us her toys to throw or ringing the bell to be taken outside.  "
Jul 20, 2019
Ellen added a discussion to the group Puppy Madness

9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied!

We love our Penny and she has been the best little puppy. However, we are starting to have issues keeping her occupied, and there are several shoe insoles and one entire shoe that have taken the hit. She gets walked, has tons of toys, gets the ball or frisbee thrown for her multiple times a day. She has a canine big sister who she plays with some. But her desire for our attention is limitless - lots of staring at the shelf where the balls are kept, putting her head into our laps and nudging for…See More
Jul 20, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie replied to Ellen's discussion Dew claw issues
"So glad to hear this, Ellen.  Keep us posted on her recovery. "
Apr 26, 2019
Ellen replied to Ellen's discussion Dew claw issues
"Thanks everyone. I had a bad case of the mommy worries over this, but she came through with flying colors. She has 4 stitches, and he does not believe it will be painful for her in recovery, thankfully. She has a more restrictive bandage which is…"
Apr 26, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie replied to Ellen's discussion Dew claw issues
"Since you trust your vet, I'd go with his advice if it hasn't healed properly - unless it would be okay to just leave it alone.  The dew claw area is like your thumb and when they are remove past infancy, it is an amputation, so…"
Apr 25, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Ellen's discussion Dew claw issues
"Jasper's breeder also had the dew claws removed on his litter. One of his sisters did have one grow back, and that was removed during her spay, To my knowledge, there were no complications from that surgery.  I've been on this site…"
Apr 25, 2019
Stacy replied to Ellen's discussion Dew claw issues
"I don't want you to think you're being ignored, I just have no idea about dew claw removal. My girl who had hers removed came that way, and the other two have theirs. I've never had any problems with them, and I wouldn't choose…"
Apr 25, 2019
Ellen posted a discussion

Dew claw issues

Our Penny came to us at 8 weeks with her dew claws already removed. I was not familiar with this practice, but wasn't unhappy, as we had another dog with persistent issues with snagging and pulling her dew claw and requiring trips to the vet! Our vet noticed within a few weeks that on one claw, there was some regrowth, so they must have left a few cells behind. When Penny was spayed at 6 months, they went back in and removed that. It has been 2 weeks since that procedure, and we knew that it…See More
Apr 25, 2019
Ellen replied to Kate Rich's discussion Inflatable e collar
"I just bought this for our upcoming spay surgery (Thursday) - I am so nervous on how that will go for our girl. Glad to hear this positive recommendation!"
Apr 8, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
Owner of a 14 week old goldendoodle. Have owned multiple dogs but this is my first doodle!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Penny, 14 weeks. Her mom is a goldendoodle, and her dad is a poodle. Josie, 8 years, Australian shepherd mix
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
play in the snow; play fetch
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Groomer at our vet
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