Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jeff zimnisky
  • Bonney Lake, WA
  • United States
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Jeff zimnisky 's Discussions

I've been spammed.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Barbara Aug 1, 2017. 16 Replies

Just so everyone knows I received a spam email through doodlekiss.

Has anybody had any dealings with Manor Lake Australian Labradoodles

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jeff zimnisky Jun 12, 2016. 2 Replies

Here in Washington state?

Thanks for letting me join.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cheryl and Finnegan Jun 14, 2016. 10 Replies

We have a Labradoodle named Miss. Maggie Mae. She's 5 yrs old and we just went and picked out our second pup and named herMiss. Abbey Rose. She's the cutie in my profile pic.Continue

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Jeff zimnisky 's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a 5 yr old female Labradoodle named
Miss. Maggie Mae and we just bought another Labradoodle named Miss. Abbey Rose
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Cause we already have one and
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Go for walks and throwing her her favorite ball.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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At 6:01pm on August 1, 2017, Mary McNeil said…

First time on here and I got that same letter from that essian guy.  How does one report him?  Thank you.  Mary

At 5:38am on June 12, 2016, Jeff zimnisky said…
We're on the west side of the state near seattle. And thank you. :)
At 9:52pm on June 11, 2016, Lynda Kamrath said…

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere.  Where is Bonney Lake?  If you are in central Washington, you might want to check out the Doodle Romp that is going to be in Walla Walla later this month.  They are so much fun.  You meet a lot of people and dogs at these romps.



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