Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jelane Hurst
  • Female
  • Noblesville, IN
  • United States
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Jelane Hurst's Friends

  • Amy Beth Baron
  • J Hendricks
  • Kendra K. Rhoton
  • Joanne ~ Spud*
  • Alexis
  • Mercedes
  • Kathy Janes
  • Denice Caouette
  • Sandi, Jeff & Mickey
  • Anna Ebrahimzadeh
  • Noble Vestal Labradoodles

Jelane Hurst's Discussions

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Started this discussion. Last reply by Jelane Hurst Dec 28, 2008. 19 Replies

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Saw a Goldendoodle at the Farmers Market and loved the looks. Talked to the owner and then went home and did some research on the breed. Temperment and the non shedding seemed to be the perfect match for us. However, she is more strong minded than expected and does shed., but we love her and would not trade her for anything.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Take her for a car ride. She sticks her head out the sun roof (of course during nice weather) and makes people smile when they see her; play ball with her, hide and seek, and watch her play in the snow.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
we do
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Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 8:39am on October 6, 2010, Kendra K. Rhoton said…
Yay! Can't wait to see the the Mocha Girl... and you two of course! Remington is very excited about it!
At 7:48am on October 5, 2010, Kendra K. Rhoton said…
Hope to see you at the Romp this weekend!
At 10:06am on April 19, 2010, Kendra K. Rhoton said…
OH my goodness Jelane! Yes, he still sleeps back there behind the toilet, only he is not allowed to when we are sleeping. You need to read one of my blogs about what he did to our poor toilet while we were sleeping! HAHA! I laugh now, but at the time I was soooo mad! Anyways... hope you have a terrific week and yes, you need to get more pics on here! :)
At 6:53am on June 9, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Did you try grooming yourself?? I would love to see pictures of your handiwork. Post them in the Grooming Group discussion 'Just a Place to Share'. You have to click on 'view all' discussions.
At 7:13pm on June 7, 2009, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
I did it. I used the hold the hair up between your finger method. I am so happy. Good Luck
At 7:57pm on June 2, 2009, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
Hey I found the posting! I am going to give this a try. I gave a bad hair cut last week--that looks like a shelf. LOL

Were you successful?
At 9:44am on May 30, 2009, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
BTW I live so close to where you got your doodle. Did you say there is another litter due next spring--2110? I would be interested.
At 9:43am on May 30, 2009, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
It did show up in my email that you posted this question. But now it is no where to be found. Does it show up on the right side of your page that you posted? You may want to report this to Adina--possibly it is a system error? Dunno.

But I do believe it is a great question and I hope you can re-post. If I have the same question also I am sure there are more. I trimmed last week and as soon as you said Shelf-Look I knew exactly what you meant. Thanks Joanne
At 4:36pm on May 29, 2009, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
Hi Jelane
I saw your post : Want to trim hair around the eyes of my doodle. Like the shaggy look, do not like the shelf can I go about just trimming a bit off without it looking like a "wack" job.

Great Question
I can't find where your wrote this. I tried the link that was in my email for this group but I still can't seem to find where this post is, I would like to see the responses. Can you send me in the right direction? Thanks Joanne
At 12:48pm on March 23, 2009, Noble Vestal Labradoodles said…
how is Coco? did you get her groomed?


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