Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Maggie Mae (n Mom, Kay)
  • Female
  • Lawton, OK
  • United States
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Maggie Mae (n Mom, Kay)'s Friends

  • April Owens Richardson
  • Jeannine
  • TrevorDoodle
  • Laura Chaffin
  • Janie
  • Jacquie Yorke (DRC)
  • Patty Barnes
  • Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle
  • Karen & Lucy
  • Lynne Fowler-Oodles of Doodles
  • Adina P

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Maggie Mae (n Mom, Kay)'s Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
F1B mini black goldendoodle
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I did lots of homework and absolutely loved the doodles! Wanted non-shedding and intelligent. Got Both!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We love to go to the Wildlife Refuge to explore the trails and lakes. Maggie especially loves to bark at the bison and longhorn!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I have so far.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong w/ peanut butter or yogurt filling and bully sticks.
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 11:03am on March 4, 2009, Becky Noe said…
Hi Kay!
Good to hear from you! Diva weighs about 19 pounds. She is a real sweetheart. Not the least bit afraid of anything or anyone. She loves all dogs - probably too brave! She has some really funky hair going on, though! Her front half is short and curly and her back half is long and straighter. Her chest and muzzle hair tips are brown - guess after her Daddy. I kept thinking she was rolling in the dirt till I realized it wasn't washing off! I don't think "Diva" was the best name for her - she's anything BUT a diva. A tomboy is more like it! Crystal was the puppy my 4 year old grandaughter had her heart set on! She had already been promised, but we just told Kiki that we got Crystal since she really couldn't tell them apart! Guess she liked the name because about two weeks ago she told her mother she had changed her name to Crystal! You two should come over some time and we'll let them run wild! Good hearing from you!
At 1:34pm on December 16, 2008, Becky Noe said…
Hi Kay! Would love to send pictures if I could figure out how to get one of her!!! Every picture looks like a black spot that you can't tell if it's coming or going! My Diva Doodle was Polly when she was with Laura - which one did you get? They were all adorable and it was a tough decision. They would probably have a great time together! We haven't been doing too good with the leash, either. She's a snuggler and that is exactly what I wanted! Give your baby a kiss from Diva!
At 2:51pm on December 15, 2008, Becky Noe said…
Hi Kay!
I have a feeling I have a litter mate to your precious puppy. I also have a black doodle from Laura that I got in October. We live in Edmond. Hope you are enjoying your baby as much as I am mine.

Happy New Year!
At 7:42pm on December 6, 2008, Maryann,Roo and Tigger said…
my male doodle Roo did that until he was at least 7 or 8 months old. He is no 14 months and no longer does it. you can minimize it by making sure she pees just before she meets someone if this is possible. Otherwise pay no attention to it. Be sure not to pet her and praise her because while she is peeing if possible also. Otherwise she will just grow out of it. It is pretty common.
At 8:34am on November 24, 2008, Adina P said…
Hello Kay!
I see that you are trying to get help in the puppy madness group. However, you are writing your questions in the comments boxes rather than starting a discussion. If you notice above the comment boxes there are several already started discussions on many topics. You can click "view all" right under those discussions to see all of them (as only 20 are displayed on the main group page). When you are in the page that shows all of the discussions, you can do a search for potty, or training, or house training... Et cetera.
Or, you can click where it says " start a discussion"--that will allow you to start your own discussion related to the question you had. This will also allow people to respond directly to that discussion. As you see in the comments box people can leave random comments or thoughts but you can't really respond to individual comments--it is not set up that way. That's where the discussion forum part of the group comes in handy when you actually have something you want to discuss or ask. I hope that helps and didn't just confuse you :-) ask me anything if you're not sure!
At 6:21pm on October 25, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
At 5:51pm on October 24, 2008, Jacquie Yorke (DRC) said…
Kay...You are invited to join our group. Single Chicks of Doodle Kisses...
At 11:55am on October 24, 2008, Janie said…
At 2:33pm on October 23, 2008, Laura Chaffin said…
Hi Kay - What a cute picture! Oh, she is so cute.
At 11:11am on October 23, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Welcome Kay and your precious Goldendoodle. What a sweet face. I think you'll like it here. DK offers many activities and the friendliest members online. It is nice to have you here.


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