Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Leslie, Dexter & Kirby
  • Female
  • Matawan, NJ
  • United States
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Leslie, Dexter & Kirby's Friends

  • Gregg Aprahamian
  • Don Robinson
  • Gayle Miller
  • Karina
  • Becky & Sheeba
  • Cheryl and Finnegan
  • Judi, David & Maddie Irishdoodle
  • Marcia Nathanson
  • Charlie De Gregorio
  • Julie Casciano
  • William
  • L.M.
  • Coach Veazey, Roberta, and Coach
  • Loril Hawk
  • Kim Chobanian

Leslie, Dexter & Kirby's Discussions

Funny hair regrowth post shaving

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pat and Traveler Jul 24, 2011. 16 Replies


Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer Tramell Jun 25, 2011. 5 Replies

Shaved hair - slow regrowth?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judi, David & Maddie Irishdoodle Apr 28, 2011. 8 Replies

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Leslie, Dexter & Kirby's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Dexter is a F1B labradoodle and Kirby is a F1 Irish Setter Poodle (Setterdoodle :))
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rescue
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My husband has allergies.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Long walks, going to the beach, going to the dog park
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We groom Kirby and Petsmart grooms Dexter
Favorite Doodle Products?
Best Shot
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (62 comments)

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At 6:16pm on September 16, 2011, Debbie Kaikaka said…

Hi Leslie,

Mya and I will be at the dogtoberfest on saturday.  We will be there at 9am but have to leave by 12:30 as I have a shower.  We will also see you on sunday.  Give me a text when you get there.  I am not picking up my phone as it might be a client and I am not working this saturday.  My number is 732-580-6749. Maybe we can all do the maze and hay ride together and take some good pictures.  See you tomarrow.... Debbie & Mya

At 7:30pm on May 14, 2011, Katie V said…
Leslie I just realized I never responded to your post.. so sorry!  Macie is doing great other then some issues with urinating in her sleep.  Hoping to have it figured out soon!  She is so playful and loving!  Brady adores her!  I will be posting more pictures soon!
At 9:30pm on April 7, 2011, Michele Follger said…
Thanks Leslie, We go in tomorrow for xrays and the final verdict. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I spoke to her old vet today who moved too far away and she strongly suggests surgery for her if since she is 66 pounds. But she said that the TPLO wasn't mandatory. I guess we will get some more opinions after we get the results. I actually teared up when I saw Dexter's photo with his shaved leg and cone in the crate. He looks so much like Sunny. But it is reassuring to know he is doing well.
Thanks again!
Michele and Sunny
At 3:34am on April 5, 2011, Charlie De Gregorio said…

Thanks for the info.  Did you stop anywhere in Maryland or Del?  Not sure how long they can stay in the car. 

At 10:21pm on March 12, 2011, Karina said…
Rosie is from in Ohio. Her parents are Uluru and Ms. Lilly. Where is Kirby from? How is Dexter doing?
At 4:12pm on February 11, 2011, Debbie Kaikaka said…
Hi Leslie, Sorry to here about Dexter.  I hope he has a speedy recovery. Love, Debbie & Mya & Kasey
At 6:51am on February 6, 2011, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

I am so sorry to hear about Dexter.  Yesterday, just before you posted about Kirby, I cancelled a romp here in Ohio because I thought my dogs were having a hard time in the hardened snow.   I mentioned that the holes in the snow were going to break an ankle or tear a  knee.   Other doodle owners thought I was... well maybe a tad paranoid.   About an hour later you posted Dexter had gotten hurt.    I linked your sad news to our page in Ohio saying, " see she just put out a warning too."  Thanks for posting.  Possibly a lot more of us would just have gone to play and taken the risk.  We really learn from others. 

My thoughts go out to your family.   Hope handsome Dexter is better really soon.  This has to be so difficult.

At 4:42pm on January 3, 2011, Jersey, Jasmine, Jypsy and Diane said…

Looks like the boys really enjoy the snow, our girls love it too. It's almost gone now, and the muddy yard is replacing it. UGH! Can't wait for warmer weather and heading back to O.G. and Dewey Beach. Are you guys going this year?

At 7:34am on December 30, 2010, Judi, David & Maddie Irishdoodle said…

Leslie - Maddie's middle name is Clinger (lol) - especially with me.  I think she clings more to me more because I have been home with her since the day we got her.  If I sat on the couch, she would lay on her little blanket at my feet.  If I went to the bathroom she would toddle along with me etc etc.  If one of us goes to bed early she will lay at the bottom of the stairs so she is an equal distance from each of us - David in bed upstairs and me in the family room. 

She will go out in the back yard and play forever - tossing her toys up in the air and sprinting around the yard at 100 miles an hour. She has managed to de-foliate a couple of euonymous bushes in the corner of my yard - it's an area we have blocked off for her to play because she had a couple of digging episodes -- grrrrrrrrr. 

We also have wood chip mulch in a 4 or 5 ft strip along the  back fence and that is where she does her business.  I used to take her on her leash when she was tiny and only let her do her jobs there so she still seems to go on the wood chips.

She is due for a bath this week so I think I will give her a scissor cut all over - her hair is getting so long and she seems to be getting a few more matts - not sure if her coat is changing since I've read on DK that doodles coats do change.

Still praying for snow here - I can't wait.

At 2:41am on December 29, 2010, Judi, David & Maddie Irishdoodle said…

Hi Leslie

Yes it is so nice to know there are other Irish/Setterdoodle owners in DK.  So far your the only other owner I've met.

Well we survived Christmas and Maddie destroyed one of her gifts within the first 20 minutes of opening it.  It was a red ball that you could put treats in - she got the treats out by rolling it around and then proceeded to chew a big hole in it - the good thing was that she did spit the pieces out and not eat them.  It seemed to be made of a pretty durable plastic but I guess that wasn't the case.

I hope we get some snow soon (it's almost all gone) and I do love your pics of Dex & Kirby playing in the snow. I so want to get some pics of her romping around.

Is Kirby's coat soft like human hair.  Maddies is very soft and wavy like human hair and she doesn't have an undercoat.  She doesn't really shed but I do get hair in the brush when I brush her however it doesn't get on the furniture or our clothes.  I do find little puff balls of hair here and there on the floor once in a while.

Take care and have a great 'New Year's Eve'.



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