Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nancy and Georgia Brown
  • Female
  • Richmond, CA
  • United States
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Nancy and Georgia Brown's Friends

  • D.Vettorel
  • S & Charlie
  • Susan
  • Sam&Bella
  • Melissa and Bearpaw
  • Shoney & Ruby
  • Miss Money Penny
  • Gumbo and Ashley
  • Jordan & Daisy
  • Malenie Piscetelli
  • Alex/Mindy/Georgia/Coral
  • Stephanie and Ragley
  • Miss Ellie
  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • Elizabeth B

Nancy and Georgia Brown's Discussions

My doodle is grabbing other dog's collar during play

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy and Georgia Brown May 8, 2016. 6 Replies

This has been an issue that has surfaced from time to time with different dogs. She has currently been persistent in this habit with one of her dog friends and I don't like it. I do pull her off and…Continue

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy and Georgia Brown Mar 22, 2016. 3 Replies

I was trying to reply to the post"what does it mean when dogs put their heads on each other's neck." and I got the above message and couldn't respond.Is there something wrong? Sorry if this is the…Continue

femur bone warning

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy and Georgia Brown Nov 16, 2015. 8 Replies

My boss purchased a couple of these to keep our dogs busy and distracted at work. They are slow roasted and smoked, not raw. USA grade etc.So she was chewing on it quite a bit on Friday morning.…Continue

All but the dog

Started this discussion. Last reply by Laurie, Wally & Charlotte Jul 23, 2015. 9 Replies

Wonderful fun images. Not a doodle but had to share.…Continue


Nancy and Georgia Brown's Page

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Nancy and Georgia Brown joined Doodle Kisses's group

Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets

This group provides a "safe place" for members to share their experiences with training, celebrate "big and little successes" and gain insights as we encounter challenges, to support one another, and to explore how our mindset affects our training.
Jul 27, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
f1b goldendoodle born Sept 2013. Sweet Georgia Brown.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I have had allergies for a long time so I didn't believe in the rumor about them being hypoallergenic. My dog allergies are mild, but if it cuts it down a little that's better. So far no allergy issues at all.
I fell in love with one particular doodle at the same time as I was looking to get a dog --didn't know what a doodle was until I met that dog and then found out they were having a second litter with the same parents.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Hiking, dog parks, cuddling on the sofa
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major

Nancy and Georgia Brown's Photos

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Nancy and Georgia Brown's Blog

My Georgia, the first few days

Posted on November 25, 2013 at 12:55pm 23 Comments

Her official name is "Sweet Georgia Brown". I had wanted to name her Georgia and was waffling between that and another name. The deciding factor was taking her across the street to visit with a little girl, and a neighbor walked by with this large doberman mix dog who was super sweet and gentle. He called her Greta. Really Greta? The shock was that I was so close to calling my dog Greta and got such negative response from my friends that I had decided to dismiss it. I told him her name was…


Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 7:03am on November 24, 2016, C&L said…

Your shots are absolutely gorgeous!

At 5:41pm on December 6, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

and by shots, I mean photos :)

At 5:41pm on December 6, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Thanks, Nancy. I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I feel like I have been all over the USA recently and I am so ready to just hang out and take shots.

At 4:15pm on November 25, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Thank you. I was very excited about Vern's photo, but proudest of Fudge's. I worked so hard to get that one shot. Like you, I am onto other things now. I always love costumes and have a couple of ideas, but I am also going to focus on indoor shots for a bit and back lighting. Vern is a great poser. Fudge is like your Georgia....gotta catch her on a good day!!

At 5:50am on November 24, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Nancy, A big congratulations on Georgia's cover photo for the calendar. I know your favorite photo was the one inside on a month, but I was in awe of your action shots and really wanted one of them to be picked, too. So glad both got in!!

At 1:56pm on September 26, 2014, Ann Kendig said…
Hi Nancy, I was reading a discussion that you started regarding Apoquel. At what age did your dog start having issues with allergies? My Duke started very young.
At 6:43pm on May 10, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

She does look like she has some long legs.  I think F1b goldendoodles are the best!  My goldendoodle had the most wonderful coat.  Love to meet Sweet Georgia Brown one of these days.

At 5:49am on January 15, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Nancy, I sent you a message about the bokeh lights shot.

At 5:25pm on January 5, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Hi Nancy,

 I really loved the photo of Spud you edited for me in the PG discussion.  The HighKey photo.

Do you still have your copy?   If you do, would you mind mailing it to me.  DK compresses files  so I dont want to save off the discussion.

Here is my email address. Thanks so much in advance

At 9:45am on November 29, 2013, Traz, Karen & Dale said…

Sweet Georgia Brown is a cutie pie!  Enjoy your precious pup :-)



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