Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sara and Birdie
  • Female
  • Payson, UT
  • United States
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Sara and Birdie's Friends

  • Liz
  • Pam Sadberry
  • Katherine Henry
  • Melissa and Willa Couch
  • Kristin and Sophie
  • Adrienne
  • Stephanie Brown
  • Chloe, Finley & Mama Shelley
  • Lynda Kamrath

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Sara and Birdie's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am the mother of 4 children who works from home as a medical transcriptionist.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have an F1 female goldendoodle named Birdie. She is almost 2 months old.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I wanted a family dog that would be good with my 4 kids, but I had to have one that doesn't shed because I can't stand that. A goldendoodle is the perfect fit for us!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Birdie is so soft, I just love to hold and pet her, but I also love to watch her run and play with my children.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Sara and Birdie's Photos

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 4:02pm on November 18, 2013, Liz said…
Hi again. I am preparing to bring my new pup home in about a week and a half. I'm getting so excited! Just wondering if you have any favorite products you have found or anything you recommend? I know finding a food for this breed can be a process, have you found one you like? Any toys or treats that have gone over particularly well? Would love any recommendations as I will be out buying stuff this week. Thank you so much!
At 6:24pm on November 12, 2013, Liz said…
Thanks for getting back to me! Very helpful!
At 10:38am on November 12, 2013, Liz said…
Hi Sara, I already have a couple of questions for you :) I noticed on one of your photos that you mention Birdie was the runt of the litter? Was she considerably smaller? What was her coat like when you picked her out? I went up to pick out my puppy yesterday and it was so difficult! I knew it would be tough, but was not prepared for just how tough it would be! The puppies are only 5 weeks old and will go home in a couple weeks. I ended up going with the runt of the litter, female. She is considerably smaller than the rest and seems to be a little bit behind the others developmentally. Her bottom teeth had not grown in yet like the others and her coat was not as fluffy as the rest. She was very cute and did seem to have a great personality though and had been handled by the kids there a lot as she is one of their favorites. I ended up deciding between her and a male who looked much like her but with more fluffy hair. I was originally set on a girl bc of their generally smaller size. Anyway, I'm starting to worry that picking the runt was not a wise decision because they may have more potential health problems. I thought maybe you could give me a little insight since it seems Birdie may have been the runt as well?
At 3:42pm on November 5, 2013, Liz said…
That's awesome!! I'm so happy to hear Birdie is from Gizelle and Jack! That makes me feel even more confident I will be bringing home a great pup. I will be bringing her home the weekend of Thanksgiving, so it will be a bit of an early Christmas for us :) Thanks for being so kind and willing to share advice. I think that will be very helpful. I'm sure I will come up with some questions for you before I even bring her home!
At 3:11pm on November 5, 2013, Liz said…
Hi Sara, thanks for the message. I am glad to hear you love your dog so much. I am actually getting a pup from Lazy Day Doodles in a few weeks! I can't wait. I was browsing the site and came across your post mentioning that you went through that breeder as well! I was curious who Birdie's parents are? She is so cute. My puppy will be from the Giselle/Jack litter :)
At 5:07pm on May 11, 2013, Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom said…

Birdie is adorable.  I love the name as well.  My maiden name was Vogel, which means Birdie in German!  I actually considered this for our new puppy as well!

At 4:40pm on May 11, 2013, Star and Goldie said…

I just love the name Birdie!!  What a great name for your pup! Congrats.  She is beautiful!

At 9:01am on April 8, 2013, Chloe, Finley & Mama Shelley said…
My doodles are from Julia Peterson with "In the company of Goldendoodles. She is in Fillmore.
At 9:21pm on April 3, 2013, Chloe, Finley & Mama Shelley said…
Hi Sara, welcome to DK, and the Utah group. I am originally from Provo, and went to school with some Hunsakers..
I got both my beautiful Goldendoodles from a breeder in UT evenn though I live in Las Vegas now. Where is your pup coming from?
So exciting..and I cant wait to see pics of your new doodle.
At 7:17pm on April 3, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

I just noticed you are new to this site.  Welcome to DoodleKisses.  It is the best website for doodle lovers everywhere.  So you will be getting your F1 goldendoodle next month.  You have such wonderful adventures for you and your family ahead of you.  Enjoy every minute.  I have a F1b goldendoodle and an ALD.  Take a look at their photos when you have the time.



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